katherine's brother

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Iam running fast without stopping. but the guards keep on coming for us.my wolf is way too much faster than us.

"I think we should do something to get rid of them" I shouted while running.

"then anyone thinks of a way"Damon replied back. I think I can use my invisibility power.hiding all of us through my power is totally difficult. I never tried it.

"each one grabs your nearby one's hand" I ordered while I grabbed Damon's hand.they followed what I told. but we cant run fastly while grabbing other's hands .i concentrated all my power to become invisible. I felt it so hard to do that.

"everyone stop, now, "I said with a little confidence.

"what the hell. how they vanished.guards search them everywhere, I will inform the queen"Alex's dad ordered and left. I released my power and fell down on the ground.

"Yeah, are you okay. of course, I know that's hard but can you manage it"Damon asked. I nodded my head and stood up within a minute. we started walking through the forest slowly.

"maybe in one hour, we will reach my house. then I can finally wake my brother"

"Iam happy about that, we can act fast. the queen will come here anytime"

"How will she come without anyone's help," Selena asked.

"corniva have a way no matter what.i can see it in her face".inside I have a fear how this will all turn out when its all over. will I stay here or go back to the world or will I even be alive.of course I will be alive, why are you thinking like this Isabel.iam not a person who gives up.

as I was speaking to myself. someone scremed in my ear.


" iam calling you absent-minded girl," Tyler says.

"what iam hearing "actually I didn't .katherine interrupted us at the moment.
"hell yeah we reached my home" she bounced up and down and ran into a wooden small house. we waited outside as she knocked at the door.

"Katherine.is that you" a lady has a serious shocking reaction on her face which turned to a  happy smiling face in a minute." I missed you"

"I missed you too mom"."everyone here thought you are dead and won't come back. I never accepted that first.but its been two years, I was living consulting myself I lost both my children's." she let out her tears, tightly her daughter.

"This is my friend, without them I won't be standing here with you" she pointed at us.

"thank you soo much, everyone, "the lady said with wholehearted gratefulness.we all smiled at her

"you won't believe me, I found the cure to bring back my brother".suddenly the lady became serious again.

"you got to be kidding me, I miss my son too.but there's no way to bring a person from death"

"its true mom, I saw the greatest witch. trust me, where is the body"Katherine argued.

"no, you are having illusion, there's nothing as the greatest witch. we almost lost you.the queen is still searching to find the witch but she never succeeded."

"you never going to trust me,iam going to bring alive" Katherine ran into the backyard. we followed her as her mother standing still in the entry.

"guys help me dig, "she said and started doing herself. I saw the name

 Ryder kelly

2002  -  2018

"thank god that in our place everybody will be preserved ever after the death.that's the specialty of the people with magic" she took the portion from her pocket.its a purple liquid in a white small bottle. she opened it with an urge and fed it to his dead brother.we waited and waited and waited but nothing happens.

"I told you so, that won't work," her mother said in behind of us crying over herself.

"no, it should work. I worked soo hard, sacrificed my 2 yrs and I can't bring my brother back" Katherine cried. I sat near her hugged her as she cried over me. I don't know what else to say to convince her.

"hey, everyone sees him"kai suddenly yelled.
"We both turned to see her brother. He blinked his eyes.

"Ryder" Katherine said in astonishment and he finally opened his eyes.

"Katherine, where am I"

"you are alive," she said crying and hugged him.their mother joined them.

"how this is all happened," he asked.

"I went to the greatest witch and brought you back to life.its been 2 yrs" she cried and broadly smiled at the same time. he kissed her forehead and everything seems happy for a minute. suddenly someone scremed.its Selena. I turned back to find that the guards took her.

"Leave her alone" I shouted walking towards them. Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me backward.

"the queen wants to meet me.i know you won't come unless I found out some humans in your group.come to the castle or lose her," Alex's dad said and all of them flew away with her.

"everybody we are going now" I shouted with fear.

"what is happening here," Ryder asked as a boy suddenly appearing in the middle of the film going on.

"I can explain later. but we need to reach the castle.think of a way" Katherine said in an urgent tone. I don't know why everyone coming for the weak person.they can manage it but cant defeats them.

"I know what to do," Ryder said and looked behind me. he threw his hand as a white light glowed from his palms. Tyler pushed me away from the light. I saw that my wolf.why is he attacking it or what's he doing with it.

"hey, what are you doing "I screamed at him but I can't see him through the light. all I can see after a minute is a big creature.

"a dragon" 

"yes, I just shape-shifted it. I will change it back.no need to worry"Ryder assured me. the dragon bends down in front of me. I touched it softly but I remembered we have to hurry.we all got on to it one by one. I grabbed it tightly fearing I will fall down.

"don't worry Iam holding you, "Damon said. the dragon spread its wings and started flying. my head is spinning. I never did like this and nobody would have ever flown as a group. as time goes on the castle on the clouds is seen clearly.there are many lights in it as the whole land is full of darkness.

we got down and ran inside the castle. the guards didn't stop us. I reached the hall and a royal lady sitting in a throne.she is in a blue gown, jewelry, and blue eyes. before I spoke Katherine stood in front of me.' your majesty. Iam back".the queen stood up.


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