𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 [ᴋᴛʜ ᴘᴏᴠ]

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Brown eyes, normally considered boring and dull, unattractive. I disagree, it all depends on who's eyes you're looking into- some can be empty, while others have the most interesting of stories. Some can bring you peace and comfort, while others can make everything fall apart.

For example, your eyes hold stars that create galaxies, infinite clusters of silver and gold for me to explore, to get lost into. The moment our eyes meet, they started speaking a language only we know how to decifer. It's like there is a connection, an electrifying force that keeps them together. I'm glad you walked into my life like that, it was meaningless before. Everything was missing, the colors, the sounds, the meaning.

It just took that moment I saw you in the meeting room to know you would help me fix everything that was broken. I watched as you danced around our practice room, leaving trails of beautiful vivid colors only for me to see. Your voice, soft and angelic, making all the other sounds my body had learned to numb out come back in a booming second. I thought the meaning of life would be something hard to find, I just didn't realize it was there the moment we cuddled for the first time, an protective arm over your stomach, making you feel safe, our legs tangled together, bringing comfort. My life, a blank canvas suddenly turned into a masterpiece. The brush lovingly gliding along the tedious material, leaving amazing combinations that turned into my love for you. It grew larger, the paint never running out, it could never run out.

Your canvas started losing color, the moments when life wanted to make us give up- there was nothing to worry about, I had the recipe for something beautiful. I made a new one, and yet it was so like you. Making new colors with meanings that only we were aware of. Amazing, how it was like we were meant to be. I wasn't surprised though, I knew it from the beginning. The string connecting us was always visible to me, like how I see others be connected to. Some had more than one destined to be, but it was just us.

Like my mother, I could see the string that connected soulmates. Our strings were attached to the neck, a weird combination, as it meant that soulmates were to stay close to each other at all times. Otherwise, the lack of air would become very obvious, and would only stop when getting close again.

I'm just glad it was with you, glad that our strings were connected together, signalling an undying love. I'm glad it was you.

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