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Imagine: you have a nightmare.
Warnings: slight violence.

Your POV:
You've been painting the town a bright green tonight with your best friend/crush, Damon Salvatore.
You've always admired his impeccable way of making you want him.
But this also stressed you out completely.
You two do everything together.
He cooks you dinner every evening, you binge watch cringeworthy tv shows, and of course...protect mystic falls from bigger problems than vampires running through the streets.
Your Dad died a couple months ago, so instead of leaving you the house, he sold it and gave the money to your obnoxious, older brother, who is probably spending the week in Bali. 
Damon took you in, like he would any best friend of his. He gave you a room upstairs next to his and you have the luxury of living in the Salvatore mansion.
Damon is very protective over you, and you find it pretty hot.
"I thought I said to never eat those again."
Damon cringed in disgust as you picked up a chicken nugget.
You laughed and threw one at him.
"It's McDonald's, Damon. That's never going to happen."
He rolled his eyes, taking the whole bag and throwing it out onto the pavement.
You gasped in shock and pouted.
"I don't know if I should be upset that my food is gone, or you just bluntly threw out all that paper onto the road."

The bag blew in the wind, but the food held it to the ground, causally letting napkins fly out.

Damon gazed over at you. "I'll cook you something way better than that garbage."
He gave you a wink and spun on over to his house. You shook your head, laughing at his actions.
"You're something else, Damon Salvatore."
You could see him biting his lips when he walked into the house.
You try not to stare at him as much. He knows he's gorgeous, so it didn't really matter.
"Grab a seat, your dinner awaits."
Damon pulled out your chair as you watched him prepare a meal. Chopping all sorts of ingredients and dropping them into a bowl.
"I feel like I'm watching Ratatouille all over again."
You propped your chin up with your free hand, as you drew shapes into the glazed over bar with your fingertips.
"Minus the rat."
He raised his eyebrows, smirking afterwards, giving the pot a stir.
Plopping a single finger in the soup, he gave it a taste.
"Mmm. Delicious!"
He winked at you, continuing to stir.
You looked up at him with a sincere smile.
"Gonna give me a taste?"
You teased and you seen a glimmer of cockiness in his eyes.
He brought the spoon to you.
You went to sip it.
"Give you a taste of what exactly?"
He rose his brows and smirked in your direction.
Being the awkward person you are, you giggled avoiding eye contact.
"Shut up, Damon."
You finished the soup in the spoon and moaned in enjoyment.
He looked even more cocky now.
"Told you I was good."
You shook your head, laughing and pushing him away.

After you two finished eating, you sat on the couch, playing cards.
Damon suggests, taking a sip of bourbon.
You shuffle the cards in your hands, peeking through at him.
"Fine, you're on Mr. Salvatore."
You narrowed your eyes, tossing the cards at him.
He laughed, picking them up.
"So feisty."
He laid down the cards and the game begun.

You never quite knew why Damon took a liking to you. He hated about everyone.
But he always looked at you with fancying eyes and a gleaming smile.
You admired him dearly and thought of him so highly.
Your mind went blank for what it seemed to be while.

A really loud hit on the door brought your attention to him.
"What was that?"
You looked alert and gripped the end of the seat you were sitting on.
He put a hand on your shoulder, standing up.
"It's probably nothing to worry about."
He gave you a non-believable smile trying to assure you.
You quietly said as your heart sped up.
He gave you another look of false reassurance.
He walked to the door with no hesitation and opened it with a wide grin.
"Ah the delightful Damon. I see you're still hanging around this pretty one."
His thick British accent echoed through the room.
Klaus gazed at you with a slight wink and you avoided eye contact with him.
"Why don't we act like mature adults and step outside? Shall we?"
Damon had a sarcastic tone in his voice with a little laugh at the end, bigger than Klaus and more amused with himself.
Damon moved to begin outside but Klaus stopped him.
"Why? Do you not want your pretty little girlfriend see you die?"
Klaus walked towards Damon. Not stopping.
You stood up and made your way over.
"Don't you dare touch him!!"
You were raging with anger and going for Klaus. His face lit up with amusement.
"Don't be stupid, (y/n)."
Damon grunted and pushed you away, knocking you down.
Before you could even get to your feet, Klaus but him.
You knew exactly what that meant. Your throat caught and your heart sunk.
You screamed and he raced off.
You attempted to run after him but he was nowhere to be found. You raced back to the house.
You questioned and followed the sound of water rushing upstairs.
Your worry filled eyes gazed for a clarification.
"Damon." He was shirtless. Standing in front of his bathroom mirror.
You seen blood splatter on his skin and the bite.
"I can. Uh I can find Klaus and get the cure. I'm gonna find kl-"
You hopped to your feet and began to race towards the door. A strong grip on your shoulder stopped you.
"It's no use, love."
He pulled you into his warm body. His heart was racing but not as much as yours.
"No Damon. You're gonna die if I don't!"
Tears replaced the worry that was in your eyes.
His grip on you grew tighter and tighter.
"Well, You're gonna die regardless, sweetheart."
His voice hardened and your breath grew heavy.
His lips moved and you could see his fangs.
He drew them and went to pierce your skin.
You jolted awake. Damon gently shaking you. Your breath yet to be caught.
"Hey you're okay, y/n. You're okay."
You looked at him, puzzled and still trying to figure out what exactly was going on.
"W-whatareyoudoinginhere?" Mashed all together he kneeled back down to you.
"I heard screaming. I thought you were being murdered."
His icy stare met yours
In your defense you kinda were.
"I'm sorry that I woke you, I didn't mean t-" your eyes saddened with guilt.
"Don't apologize for getting nightmares, love. It happens."
He gave you a glass of water and you downed it in seconds, thanking him. He looked you up and down once more.
"Are you going to be okay?"
You nodded, as he stood up to turn for the door. But you knew deep down you probably weren't.
He pivoted on his heels.
"Can you stay?"
You shyly asked and regretted it immediately. He gazed for a moment.
Your inner anxiety cursing at you.
Great going. Good fucking job you weirdo.
"Of course." He broke your inner thoughts.
Damon smiled, walking over and plopping himself down on the bed, laying on top of the covers with you. He put his arm around your body and you nuzzled up to him. His hand rested on your outer arm.
You laid there for 5 minutes shifting in his grasp.
"You okay?"
He ran a finger through your silky hair and looked down at you.
You nodded.
"Yeah, I just don't. I don't wanna have another nightmare."
You groaned into his arm.
You heard him chuckle and turned around to face him.

"Okay, how about this. Think of your happy place, or any place in the world, that you love, or would like to see."

His hand still played with your hair and you pondered the thought.
You smiled.
He laughed again.
"Well, Where is it?"
He waited for your answer.
You paused and laughed a little.
"I like the ocean. Like the beach."
His eyes dropped. Like the only place in the whole world you chose was a large body of water.
"Is there a specific one you like?"
His voice was raspy and sexy. Your eyes set on him.  He gave you a "don't you dare do it" look.
"Don't you mean pacific??"
Giggles escaped your mouth at the terrible pun you just made.
He gave you a million dollar smile and you rested back into his embrace.
"Okay, so think of the ocean then. The soft breeze...the gentle waves."
He kept stroking your hair and was now whispering to you.
Your eyes grew heavy.
You felt sand sift between your feet. You smelled the salty air, felt the cool mist of the ocean fall onto your bare skin.
Right before your eyes you could see the deep blue.
Palm trees swaying above you.
And Damon right beside of you.
"This is amazing!"
You happily shouted.
You looked at Damon who was beaming a smile at you.
"Wait a're in my head, aren't you?"
He bit his lip and cocked a smirk.
Meeting his gaze you smiled.
"Don't pretend it's the first time i've been in your head."
He winked. You looked at him shaking your head, smiling.
"Just enjoy it, love."

I will try to update more frequently!! Thank you lovelies!! Also enjoy this:

I will try to update more frequently!! Thank you lovelies!! Also enjoy this:

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