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Imagine: you're a new vampire
Warnings: none.

Your POV:
It's been a couple of days since your transition into your new life.
You haven't told your mom and your sister disowned  you.
So you're on your own now.
Which you didn't really mind. You knew how to take care of yourself. You're a badass like that.
You knew that vampires were real, well because of the one that turned you for amusement. You never caught her name.
You do remember what she looked like. She was beautiful. Long brown hair. Tan. Chocolate eyes.
She had spite in her like most people do around here. But an evilness glistened in her heart.
She never told you why she dome it. She told you what you were going to do and what you'll become but that's it.
You were sitting on stone cold stairs in the middle of the night.
You usually done this.
Sometimes you went to the edge of the woods to see the stars. Away from all of the light polluting the sky, washing out the shining diamonds.
You were fascinated by them. It was the only thing left that made you feel a little human.
You weren't excited about your future life as a vampire. You had no idea how to live like this. It's only been 2 days and you're already giving up.
You groaned into your arms, sitting on the rock by the edge of the woods.
You always have gone to this exact spot for years now.
For a single was almost completely quiet.
But something quickly broke that.
A branch snapped nearby and you simultaneously stood.
Your voice cracked but you regained the confidence to it.
"Who's there?"
Another branch snapped even closer.
You knew this wouldn't end well, whatever it may be. Your luck was the absolute worst.
Your feet carried you no more than eight yards, until you were knocked flat on the ground.
The thing that you hit was completely solid and very hard.

"Ouch, sorry bout that."

Your hand rubbed your elbow and you looked up to see one of the most gorgeous things you've ever seen.

"I'm Damon."
He extended a hand to yours. You gratefully took it. He pulled you up with no effort at all and you were now to your feet.
You gave a quick smile, then turned to the direction you came in.
Your eyes bouncing at all edges of the forest.
"There was something there.."
Your bright eyes flashed back towards his.
He licked his lips and gestured towards the place you were staring.
"Come on."
You were very hesitant to follow this strange man into the woods. He's handsome...but so wasn't Ted Bundy.
You two stopped at the line, where the field and the woods meet.
The same sound. You jumped back a little and heard Damon laugh.
"Wait for it.."
He looked down at you and smiled bigger.
"Wait for-"
You were hiding behind him like a child would.
A bunny hops out of the bush, And you jump.
"You were scared of a bunny."
He tries not to, but he started laughing harder.
"A big bad vampire was scared of a- Ow!!"
You punched him in the arm.
"Stop laughing!!"
And that made him laugh even harder.
You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes as he continued. You began to walk away.
"Hey. Hey, I'm sorry."
The smile never left his face. You gave him a "mmhm." Look and continued to walk. He caught up with you.
"Why are you even out here?"
He was concerned looking.
He looked you up and down and wiped away a smile as soon as it spread across his lips.
"Cause I wanna be. Obviously."
You looked back at him and back to the path you were now in.
"I can see your new at this whole vampire thing."
He emphasized the word vampire, looking behind him.
The breeze blew through your hair and you closed your eyes for a second, enjoying it.
"Very new apparently."
You broke out of your peaceful moment.
"What, how??" You furrowed your brow as if you were offended.
He just smirked biting his lip.
"Well, for starters...I've never seen a vampire do that." He laughed at you.
Pausing for a moment he took your chin and turned your face towards him.
"And you're hella pale. Haven't been drinking much I see."
His grip was gentle and you tried not to blush.
You blinked, not making any eye contact.
Clearing your throat you began to explain yourself. 
"Actually I-"

He interrupted.
"You're not dressed like us."
You looked down at your summer dress and your converse.
"Excuse me but-"
He put his finger to your lips. Hushing you.
Frankly you weren't sure what to do at that second.
"We are going to go on a little adventure.."
With that he grabbed your hand and you sped off to who knows where.

It was his house.
Damon just brought you to his house and you have no idea why he done such a thing.
"Me casa es tú casa."
You rolled your eyes at the lame saying and he brought you inside.
"What are we doing here??"
You looked a bit panicked and he fanned his hands against the air in front of him.
"You'll see."
He looked towards the leather couch and then to you.
You rolled your eyes before taking a seat.
He shook his head with a smile and left the room.
What the hell just happened.
He was too damn friendly. He is surely going to come back in here with a fucking knife and kill-
"Okay I got three different options for you. This one. This one. And this one."
He interrupted your thoughts.
Damon laid out different leather jackets and now you were beyond confused. Him killing you would've made more sense.
"Um. I'm flattered. But why do you even have these? Where did they come from?"
You asked holding a brownish looking one up.
Your finger slid along the zippers.
"Doesn't matter. Pick one. I'll be right back, don't leave."
He pointed a finger to you and went downstairs.
What the actual hell is going on??
You decided to go with the one you were holding. You slipped it on and it fit almost perfect. It was super warm too.
You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then them stop.
You turned around to see Damon staring at you.
You looked down to the jacket and pulled an edge from your body.
"What? Does it look bad?"
You cringed and began to take it off.
"No no no"
You stopped as he walked closer with a bag of red liquid in his hands.
"It looks great."
He said, fixing the collar of it.
"Oh, here."
He handed you a blood bag and you released a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
"Oh um I- I don't know if-"
"If you don't drink something, you're going to desiccate."
He looked up with a nod and you furrowed your brows once more.
You hesitated. But your lips met the tube of the bag. Veins crept themselves under your eyes.
You may or may not have made eye contact with Damon while you were drinking, you never want to think of the awkwardness displayed at that moment ever again.
You began to feel much better. You could tell some color was back into your hands.
The pink returned to your cheeks.
He handed you a cloth and you wiped at your mouth.
You handed him the empty plastic bag.
"Thank you, Damon."
He smiled and gave a subtle but sweet nod.
To break out of the moment, a pounding was sounded from the front door.
Then a loud busting noise.
Someone knocked the whole door down.
"Why hasn't Stefan re- what the hell?"
It was too dark to see who exactly it was.
Damon came around the corner in front of you.
"Why is this tramp wearing my jacket?!"
As soon as light was shed on her. Chocolate eyes, brown hair, tan.
Damon looked very bored now.
She's the one who turned you.
Your voice shattered.

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