Prologue Part 2 - School is difficult

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I probably should have said this in the first chapter (I'll put it in the summary) but Saiki, to keep the story going the way I want it too, will be pretty OOC... I'm trying to keep him as on character as I possibly can, but in some situations, he's going to have to be a little different. More showing off his emotions. At least to Deku. (It also is the fact that I cant write his character for shit-) But yea, if you don't like characters being OOC, then you can either give me some helpful criticism, as I'm always open to improve my writing, or I guess just... Leave? Anyways! I hope you like the chapter!

After a good ten minutes of my mom (I'm just going to call her that from now on) fussing, and taking my picture, and about thirty more minutes trying to find the damned school, I was finally standing in front of the school. Aldera Junior High. Taking a deep breath, I started towards the school entrance.

I walked the unfamiliar halls, feeling a little lost. I'd gotten the number of my classroom, but I couldn't find it. I looked around, when I spotted a small, green-haired boy, trying to pick up the contents of his backpack. Now normally, I would just walk the other way, but he looked around my (at the moment) age, and I figured he could help me find my classroom. So I walked over to him, and silently help pick his stuff up.

He looked up at me shocked. Who is he? And why is he helping me? ... He must be new or something...

Once all his stuff was in his bag, he closed it up, put it on and bowed. "T-thank you so m-much! I r-really appreciate it..." He thanked me.

I nodded, waving it off. "Do you happen to know where class 1-B is?" I asked before he could run off, like he was planning on doing.

"1-B? O-oh! Y-yea, sure! I mean... Y-yes, I do!" We were both silent for a moment, before he stuttered out, "R-right! I'll... Uh... " He sighed in defeat. "J-just follow me... I-I'll show you the w-way..." He told me, and started up the stairs. Weird kid.

I shrugged and followed him up a flight of stairs, and down the hall, to a classroom door, with a sign above the door that said, '1-B'. He opened the door, and let me go in first. I quietly thanked him as I walked in. He followed me in the classroom, and before anymore awkward conversation started, he left to sit at, what I'm assuming, was his seat. I walked towards the teacher. "Where do I sit?"

He looked at me, then looked around. "Just stand here until class starts. You can introduce yourself, then I'll find you a seat." I nodded, and silently stand next to him until the bell rang, and the teens were 'sitting' in their seats. There were some kids who were laying back, with their feet on the table, and other stuff that really shouldn't count as sitting.

"Alright class. Before we start lessons, we have a new student with us." He nods towards me. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I nod, then turn to the class and bow. "Hello. My name is Kusuo Saiki. It's a pleasure to meet you all." Facing them, I could hear their collective of 'hello' and 'hi's. I could hear their thoughts, all asking questions about me, a few were curious as to why I moved here three months into the year. Others wondered if I was smart, athletic, or something along those lines. One girl even wondered if I was single. Great. But the majority of their thoughts asked the same question. What was my quirk?

Of course, I didn't know anything about 'Quirks' so I had no idea what mine was. (Though I had to guess it had something to do with my telepathy if my 'family' was anything to go off of.) So naturally, that was the first question to be voiced.

As I tried to quickly find an answer to the question, the teacher ended up answering it for me. "It says here your Quirk is called... Psychic. Isn't that correct?" I nodded. It didn't seem too far out there.

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