Chapter 5 - Welcome to Class 1-A, I guess...

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, but I finally finished chapter 5! The jets see how well Saiki did on his first test!

    Sighing, I put my blazer over my t-shirt and then look in the mirror. “This is definitely not my color. I prefer the uniform I had at P.K. High… Damn it.” 
    Shaking my head, I head down stairs before my mind could get more depressing. I haven’t told anyone that I think I’m from another dimension because my ‘family’ say they’ve known me since I was a baby. Whoever I told would think I’m crazy. So, I keep it to myself, constantly trying to use my teleportation to get back. Not that I know for sure that I still have my teleportation, or any of my other powers for that matter. I just… Don’t want to give up… 
    I walk into the kitchen and make myself a quick bowl of oatmeal. As I wait for it to cook, my brother Karu walks in. “Morning Bro. Mom said that she had to leave early for work today, and she wishes the two of us the best of luck on our first day.” “Alright.” “You ready for your first year of UA?” I nod. “That’s so cool that you got into the heroics! And you're in the same class as Midoriya, which is lucky!” I nod again, taking my oatmeal and sitting at the table. “Are you ready for your last year of school?” He grinned. “Yea I am! Hopefully this time this year, I will be making gear for actual pro heros!” I smiled slightly at his excitement while I eat. 
He sits down next to me once he finishes making his breakfast, and we eat in silence for a bit. “Are you going to be going to meet Midoriya before heading to the train?” “Yes. Speaking of which, I better head out now. If I’m late to meeting him, he might not let me live it down.” Karu chuckled. “Especially since you're always bugging him not to be late.” I smile as I put my dishes away, and grab my backpack. “I’ll see you later Karu.” “Totally! Maybe at lunch you can say hi to your big brother?” “Sure, and I’ll make sure to embarrass you too.” “That is not what I meant!” He cried, standing up. “Too late.” And I rush out the door quickly, before he can even say anything else.


    “Are you excited for today, Kusu-kun? I know I am! But I’m also kinda nervous. Anything could go wrong! Ok, maybe I’m a lot nervous, but can you blame me! It’s just…” He starts to go on one of his mumbling rants. Normally I wouldn’t really mind, but this time he’s psyching himself out by doing it, so I grab his arm and stop him. “Huh?” “Calm down Izu, I’m sure nothing bad will happen. And If it does, we have each other. Okay?” He nodded, giving me a smile. “Good, now come on, let's get to class, eh?” “Right! Don’t want to be late!”
    It takes us a while, but we finally make it to the classroom. Our classroom. Classroom 1-A. Izuku and I stood in the doorway, looking at the class. It’s clear that the majority of the students were already here. But one specific explosive blonde stood out to me. Great. Just great… 
    Before I can point him out to Izuku, I hear thoughts closing behind us, so I get out of the door frame, moving Izuku with me. “Ah! I was just about to ask you both to let me through!” we both look at the kid now in the doorway. It was the boy who had pointed out Izuku’s mumbling during the presentation. I scowled at him. “A-ah! I-I’m so sorry! We were just… T-taking it all in.” He nods, and stands next to us. “It’s fine.” He held out his hand for Izuku to shake. I think he could tell I wasn’t fond of him. “My name is Tenya Iida! Pleasure to meet you both!” “M-my name is Izuku M-Midoriya. It’s nice to meet you too!” When I didn’t introduce myself, Izuku nudged me. “Kusuo Saiki.” I said, nodding at him, which he returned. 
He then turned to Izuku. “Midoriya… You realized there was more to the practical exam, didn’t you? You must be very perceptive to have done so, and I completely misjudged you.” As he talks, he has his hands moving up and down, almost in a chopping motion. “I must admit, as a student, you are far superior to me!” Me and Izuku sweat drop at that. By the way he acts, I seriously doubt that. Izukus is a good student, but it's clear that this guy follows rules religiously.
Before Izuku can respond, a cheerful and excited sounding voice appears in the doorway behind us. “Hey! I know that messy green hair! Falling boy! Oh! And his pink haired friend! Hi!” I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh as we turned around to see the girl who had caught Izuku before the entrance exam. Not only was the nickname ‘falling boy’ absolutely hilarious (And accurate), but Izuku's thoughts immediately started to go into panic mode after seeing her. “I’m glad you were able to pass the entrance exam! Not that I’m surprised! That punch was amazing!” She said, hopping up and down while punching her hand into the air. “Yea, so amazing he broke his arm doing so.” I mumble smirking. As he starts to calm down, I nudge Izuku softly, then I gesture to the classroom. He seems to get it, and nods. 
    I start to back away from the three, and walk to a seat near the opposite side in the back, passing an angry looking bakugou. Izuku seems to be handling himself fine. Sitting in the seat, I put my head down, and quietly listen to the thoughts. All of them we’re about the new school year in some way or another. Then I heard a thought about me, who I knew wasn’t wasn’t coming from Izuku. 
‘Oh! That looks like Saiki! I wonder why he’s just sitting there with his head down? Is he Ok? I’ll go talk to him to see! And I’ll bring Kirishima!’ I heard her talking to someone, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Yes?” I asked, sitting up and looking at the excited pink haired girl, and her red haired friend. “Hey Saiki! What are you doing just sitting here?” I shrug. “Class is going to start soon, and I don’t want to get in trouble. Plus, I didn’t feel like watching my friend embarrass himself.” I shrugged, nodding towards Izuku, which got a chuckle from both. “No harm in talking to classmates though! I’m Kirishima by the way!” The red head held out his hand. I shake it. “Saiki. Good to meet you.” I paused. “So you two went to middle school together?” They both blinked in surprise. “Yea! How'd you know that?” I smiled. “My quirk.” “Really?! What’s your quirk?” “It’s called Psychic.” Before they could ask what my quirk could do, there was a tired sounding voice. “If you're here to socialize, then you can leave.” 
Everyone turned to the door, to see a man in a sleeping bag, on the ground, who seemed to resemble a caterpillar. Everyone was confused. He inched his way to the front of the room, as everyone quickly rushed to their seats. Izuku ended up in front of me.
“It took you a few minutes to settle down. That isn’t going to cut it here. Time is precious. If you're really serious about this, then you better get your stuff together.” He looked around, then sighed. “I’m Shuota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Now, we're going to go outside onto one of the fields, and we’re going to be doing a physical. The girl from before raised her hand, and he called on them. “But what about the entrance ceremony?” “UA lets the teachers teach how they see fit. There's no point in going to the Ceremony.” He throws a bag into the middle of the room. “Get dressed and meet me outside.” And with that, he left.

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