Chapter 3 - Time for the UA entrance exam

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It's been ten months or so since Toshinori started training Izuku so he could handle One for All. And needless to say, it's paid off. Although he overworked himself a few times, he got a lot stronger. I myself also decided to work out. Not as much as him, but I figured I would need more muscle and fighting abilities then I had, since my quirk was mainly mental abilities and if someone was somehow able to stop my abilities, I'd be screwed.

Today though, was the day to see if it was worth it. Today's the UA entrance exam. I'm not too worried about the written exam, but I am a little worried about the heroics entrance exam. I heard it was different every year. So there was no way to prepare for it aside from just strengthening all your skills.

Right now, I was waiting for Izuku not too far from the entrance. I know he was meeting with Toshinori before coming, but I know he won't be late. At least I hope he won't be late. Though I suppose knowing those two, I shouldn't be too surprised if he was.

I look down the sidewalk, and notice Izuku running up to me. "H-hey! Kusu-kun!" He runs up next to me, not even out of breath. "Thanks for waiting! Toshinori-sama had to talk to me before I got here." I nodded. "I know. I was worried for a minute you were going to be late. Guess I shouldn't have been." He scowls playfully at me. "Why would you think I was going to be late? Do you have that little faith in my ability to keep track of time?" "Yours and Toshinoris, yes." I give him a smirk as I start walking towards the entrance. He lightly punches me in the shoulder after catching up.

"Anyways, I like your outfit! Were green buddies!" He laughed, pulling on his sweater to show me. He was wearing his light green workout suit. I was wearing one similar, but mine was more of a darker lime green with black lines on it. "Heh, yea."

We walked up to the entrance and stopped for a moment. The view was a bit intimidating, I'll admit. I look at Izuku through my peripheral vision, and notice his fists clenched tightly, then he looks at me and nods. I nod back, and we both look back at the entrance and take a step towards it.

And then Izuku fell.

Well, he almost did. But he was caught by someone. A girl had touched him, and now he was just floating, a few inches in the air, his thoughts panicking a mile a minute. When Izuku opened his eyes and noticed he was floating, he looked at me. I shook my head, and pointed towards the girl, who giggled as she helped him up. "There you go! Ah, sorry for using my quirk on you without your permission, I just didn't want you to fall." She rubbed the back of her neck. "N-no, you're all good! Thank you so much for your help! That would have been a bad way to start off the entrance exam!" Izuku blushed as he bowed, his thoughts once again going a mile a minute.

"Though normal for you." I joked, nudging him. "H-hey!" I turned to the girl and bowed. "Thanks for catching my friend here. He tends to do that sometimes." She laughed, and waved me off. "No problem! Hey, maybe I'll see you two in the entrance exam! But if not, good luck!" I nodded at her, while Izuku smiled. "G-good luck to you too!"

After the encounter with the girl (who I get the feeling we'll be meeting again), we head inside, register, and then make our way to our seats. The written exam, like I thought, went by smoothly. Now we were seated, waiting to be given the instructions to the other half of the entrance exam. Somehow, I had ended up sitting right next to a certain spikey haired blonde. I don't really mind. He's been a lot tamer the past ten months anyways.

As the presenter, the hero Present Mic, loudly explained that there will be four different rooms, I looked over at Izukus and Bakugou's information cards. "Huh, I guess they don't want people from the same schools to be able to team up." Bakugou glared at me. "Keep your eyes on your own damned paper, freak!" I gave him an amused face, but looked back at my own paper anyways. The rest of the time, I just listened to Present Mic explain what was going to happen. 'So there are three different types of robots, each one having a different point value. Wait... No, there must be four types, since there's four robots on the paper. One must be a zero pointer. Interesting...' I looked back up at the stage where Present Mic stood .

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