Chapter 6 - New Friends; New Costumes

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I stood just outside of the doors, waiting for Izuku. The school day had ended quickly, and now it was time to go home. Students were all exiting the school, most talking with friends or classmates. I noticed Mina and Kirishima walk out of the doors together, chatting. Mina noticed me too, and they walked over. "Hey, Saiki! Are you waiting for someone?"

I nodded. "Izuku Midoriya."

"Midoriya huh? He's the kid who broke his finger using his quirk, right?" Kirishima asked, which I nodded in agreement. "He seems super manly! And so were you! Your quirk is awesome!"

I nod towards them, "Thanks. You guys were great too." We talked for a bit before I noticed Izuku talking with Iida, and Uraraka, I think. So we went to join them.

"-And your Deku, right? Midoriya?" She asked, which sent Izuku into a mini panic.

"D-Deku!?" Izuku squeaked, his body stiffening up at just the name.

The brown haired girl nodded. "Yeah! Isn't that what Bakugo called you during the fitness test?"

I walked up behind Izuku and scoffed. "He calls him that to make fun of him. His real name is Izuku."

"Ack! K-Kusu-kun!" Izuku turned towards me, eyes wide in surprise.

"Wait, seriously?! That's so unmanly!" Kirishima said, scowling as he came up next to us, along with Mina who seemed to agree.

Iida nodded as well. "And very unsportsmanlike."

Uraraka looked apologetic. "Oh no, I'm sorry... I didn't know." Then she looked thoughtful. "But you know, it kinda sounds like Dekiru! Like, 'you can do it!!"

Mina Jumped in herself, "Yeah, it does! Plus, Dekiru sounds like a super cool hero's name!"

Izuku blushed furiously, stuttering out a reply. "R-really?! Well, you can call me that! If you want..." Kirishima chuckled, while Iida nodded. I just shrugged.

"It's better than Deku." We continued to chat, (well they all chatted, I just nodded when I felt it was necessary) as we headed towards the trains. We separated, and soon, it was just me and Izuku again. Though that ended too, as we came to his apartment building.

"See you tomorrow Kusu-Kun!" Izuku smiled at me, waving.

I nod, giving him a slight smile, "Bye Izuku." And as I made it home, I waved at my mom, and headed up to my room. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. I'm sure.


The next day went by like any other school day would, aside from the fact that all our teachers were Pro-Heroes. Though I have to admit, I wasn't exactly expecting Present Mic, the guy who is literally a Radio Host might I add, to have the most boring class ever. Mix that with how loud he was, I don't think I need precognition to know it would be my least favorite class.

During lunch, I sat with Izuku, his two new friends, along with Mina and Kirishima. Izuku, Iida, and Uraraka had just decided that they would sit with each other, then Izuku had invited me to join. Mina and Kirishima had just plopped down right next to me, and started a conversation. It was... weirdly nice, I think?

Then finally, the last class of the day. Heroics basic training. And it's also the class with... "I'M HERE! WALKING IN THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" Toshinori, or All Might right now, bursts through the door in his bulk form, his ever present wide grin on his face. Everyone started chatting about how cool this was, as he marched up to the podium, with only a handful staying quiet. Myself included.

"Welcome to one of the most important classes at UA!" All Might starts flexing as he talks. "Think of it like Heroing 101! Here, Ladies and Gentlemen, you will be learning the basics of being a Pro! Along with what it means to fight in the name of good!" Flexing one last time, he faces the entire class. "LETS GET INTO IT!" He pulls out a flash card, showing it off to all of us, that read 'BATTLE'. "Today's lesson will PULL NO PUNCHES!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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