Sorry loves, Not a chapter!

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Hey there, been a while, huh? I'm really sorry for not posting in a long while. I'm going to be honest, my only real excuse I've got is that Covid screwed me over, then school got crazy(I just graduated this June), and I kinda forgot about this fic until like... January... And then I posted on AO3 this 'update' but completely forgot to post it here! Which sucks because I last time I posted a chapter I did the opposite, so you guys have gone even longer without an update! Again, I'm so sorry!

I've been trying to get myself to start back up on this fic, because, out of all my project ideas(Aside from a Digimon project I'm working on, but let's ignore that for now), this is the one I've done the most with. I've planned a lot more scenes and twists than I normally would, I've actually written more than one chapter, etc. I've just put in too much work to actually end it before actually getting to the interesting parts. So, I'm going to try to continue writing this. It might take me a while to write, but I'm going to push myself to try my best!

But to continue on, there's something that I would like to ask your guyses opinions on.

I've been thinking about adding another character from the Saiki K. Now, I had already planned on adding a different character from the Saiki K universe, as a later 'villain' (Not going to say who, cause that would ruin the surprise~), but this character would appear in earlier chapters, before the villain.( I know who I want to add, but I'm not sure if it would be a spoiler to say who I'm considering. So, if enough people want to know who, before deciding, I can tell you, but just in case you guys would rather keep it a surprise, then I'm not going to say anything yet)

Now, I wouldn't be adding them to the already full and shown class 1-A, but instead, the more background class 1-B. That way, there's a reason why Saiki has yet to meet them, but they will be meeting soon. They wouldn't appear in every chapter, but they would slowly become a more prominent character after remeeting Saiki and they form a new friendship, and they join Saiki's new friend group.

I want to know what you all think of this idea. I can go either way (Either way being either with the new character or without). since I've pretty much planned with both. I just received this idea, and kinda wanted to roll with it.

I'm asking because I actually can't decide if I should do it or not. I'm really bad with decision-making when left to think about it for too long(And I've been considering this for a while now). So I really just want other people's opinions.

Again I'm really sorry for not posting in over a literal year. I'm going to be trying my best to update this story as soon as possible. Though I should let you all know that I'm also hyperfixating on the Owl House, so we'll see how that goes! Like I said, I'm just going to try my best!

Now, I hope you all are staying safe, and hope you all have a great day/night! Bye!

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