Chapter 2 - It all does sound interesting

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School went by pretty simply. Nothing interesting happened. Well, I wanted to talk to Bakugo, but Izuku talked me out of it. It's probably for the best. I wouldn't want to attract too much attention by beating the shit out of him.

We walked out of the school, just chatting, when he stopped. "I've got to... Meet someone today. So I can't walk home with you today." He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. I nod, "Who are you meeting?" He stiffens a little, "O-oh... Um... Someone whos... helping me train. You know... For UA exams!" I can tell he's not technically lying, but he's not telling me the whole truth. I know it's not my business, but I honestly can't help but be worried. I've kinda grown attached to him the past few years, if you haven't noticed already. I don't really want anything to happen to him.

I nod. "Alright... But be safe. No more running into danger. Promise?" He chuckles nervously and nods. "R-right... I promise... Well... I'll see you later..." I nod, and he shuffles off.

I wait a bit, then decide to go a different way. I heard his thoughts saying that he needs to meet 'them' at that one really messy beach, for training. Why someone wants to meet at that garbage dump, I can only guess. But in any case, I know a different way to get there. It will take a bit longer, but that way it wont look like I'm following him.


It takes me about a half an hour, but I finally made it there. I look around the junkyard like beach for Izuku. After a bit, I hear someone loud, and kinda familiar, voice talking to what sounds like izuku. I walk along the railing until I see Izuku with a frail looking man. The two were talking about something, and it seemed serious looking at their faces. I got a little closer so I could hear what they were saying, but made sure not to be easily spotted.

"For the next ten months, you'll work hard to train, so your body will be able to take in one for all. Are you ready for that?" The frail, skeleton looking man asked Izuku. Izuku gave him a determined look, nodding. "Yes sir, All Might!" Ah, so that's why the man sounded familiar. Not sure why he looks like that, but I'd have to guess it had something to do with a battle. "Good. Now, before I give you a training regiment, I need to remind you that no one can know about One for All, alright? You can't tell anyone. Not your mom, not your friends, not anyone. Understood?" All Might told him, with a stern voice. Izuku nodded slowly in understandment, then paused, suddenly looking worried.

"Um... All Might... We might have a problem then..." "What do you mean, young Midoriya? I told you to keep it a secret yesterday, didn't I?" The small greenete nodded awkwardly. "I-I didn't say anything to anyone, I swear! I-it's just... My friend... Kusu-kun... H-he... His quirk is called Psychic, so... He has a few different powers that are similar to a psychic's. O-one being... T-telepathy." I couldn't see his face, but I'm assuming All Might was either surprised or worried. "I-I can kinda block his telepathy, but it mainly involves not thinking about whatever I can't let him know. And even though I'm pretty sure I was able to keep him from knowing today, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to for even more than a w-week." Izuku looks down. "S-sorry All Might... I guess I should have said something sooner..."

There was a pause for a minute. "No, it's not your fault. That's just his quirk. I suppose it's a good thing your friends then." He sighs. "It's also good you told me now, so we can work this out. So tell me, how close are you to this boy? You must be close to him in some way if you're calling him by a nickname." Izuku nods, I can barely make out a small smile on his face. "Yea, he's my best friend! Well... he's also my only friend... So we are pretty close. I'm positive he won't say anything if we tell him it's important to keep it a secret!" All Might nods. "Right then... How about this... You ask him to come with you tomorrow for training, and we can explain to him the situation and why he can't tell anyone." Izuku nods, but before he can say anything, I decide that it would be a good idea to make myself known now.

"Why not do it today instead of tomorrow? I mean, I'm already here, and have heard a lot already. And I have to say," I lean on the railing, smiling at their surprised faces. "It all does sound quite interesting." "K-Kusu-Kun! W-what are you doing here!?" Izuku asks, running up to the railing, looking up at me still shocked. "No offence Izu, but there was no way I was letting you go to the pretty much abandoned beach, to train with someone you wouldn't even tell me the name to. Especially the day after you ran head first into a villain fight. I know your smark Izu, and I trust you, but not enough to let you do something like that. Sorry." I shrugged, while Izuku pouted. "Oh come on! I promised I would keep out of danger though!" "Yea, but what you told me sounded super sketchy." "It was not!" "Yea, alright it wasn't. But the way you said it was." "Yea, because lying to you is near impossible!" I couldn't help but smirk. He did have a point.

By now, All Might had walked over as well, and was standing next to Izuku with a confused look on his face. I waved at him. "Hey there All Might. You look a lot different in real life than on TV, huh?" I couldn't help but grin. This snapped him out of his shock. "Ah, uh... Yes, I suppose I do." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He then cleared his throat and asked."So, your young Midoriya's friend? It's good to meet you young man." I nod. "Yea, good to meet you too. My name is Kusuo Saiki." I take a step back from the railing to bow. "Give me a second, I'll come down there, then how about we talk?" They nodded, and I ran down the stairs and met back up with them.

"So, I heard something about Izuku training for the next ten months so he can handle something called 'One for All' and everything after that." He nodded. "Right, well... One for All is my quirk. It was passed down from one user to another, and now, I am planning to pass it down to young Midoriya here." I nodded slowly. Even though he explained it kinda vaguely, I heard his thoughts, which made it much easier to understand. "Right. And you think Izuku is a good successor because...?" I look at him with curiosity. "H-hey! What's that supposed to mean!" "Oh hush Izu." I wave him off. "I'm asking because I want to hear his reasoning. I'm just curious." I turn to All Might. "Well?" He looked at Izuku for a moment, then smiled. "There are a few different reasons I chose him. But the main reason being that young Midoriya has a hero's heart and spirit. I believe that he will use One for All's powers to help many people." I nod, liking his answer. He was right, if yesterday was a good example of who he really was. Which it is.

"Right then. As long as you don't get Izuku killed or seriously injured, then I'll keep it a secret." All Might chuckles. "That's a deal, young Saiki!" I nod, then turn to Izuku. "In that case, carry on." "Ah, I believe we're done for today. I'll simply send you the training regiment. I wouldn't want to keep you boys much longer, and worry your parent's." We both nod. "Alright, see you tomorrow then All Might! And thank you again!" Izuku says, bowing, before we both turn around and start to head back to the road. That's when something occurs to me. I turn back to All Might. "Uh, sir?" "Yes young Saiki?" "I'm assuming not many people know about your true form. So is there something we should call you while your like that?" All Might blinks, and Izuku gasps. "Oh your right! We wouldn't want to accidentally let someone find out that's you!" He chuckles, then nods thoughtfully. "I suppose your right. Well in that case, call me Toshinori." We both nod, Izuku smiling. "Alright, goodbye Toshinori." "Bye Toshinori!" And with that, we start heading home.

A few minutes later Izuku decides to ask a question. "You were joking when you said that you were only going to keep it a secret as long as I'm not killed or seriously injured, right?" "Uh, no." I look at him while continuing to walk. "Izuku, thats a dangerous quirk you're going to be getting. If he tells you to do something during training or even after that is because of the quirk, and you die or get really injured. Then I'm telling your mom, and anyone else I feel should know why it happened. I just feel like that's only fair to them. Do you disagree?" "Well... Not really." "I'm not saying that I'm going to tell your secret if you break your arm for some reckless reason. Like I know you will." I shake my head, smiling at him. "Just sometimes, people should have the right to know what happened is all. But I'm sure we won't have to worry about something like that happening." Izuku nods. "Yea..."

There was a moment of silence, before I decided to change the subject. "So... What was your reaction to him wanting you to be his successor? Did you cry?" Izuku's reaction was hilarious. He waved his hands around, his face beat red, trying to come up with something to say. The rest of the walk was us simply chatting about different, and unimportant things.

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