Chapter 4 - Getting the Letter

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Its been about a week since the entrance exam, and so far, no letter. I'm not surprised though. There were a lot of people in the entrance exam for just Heroics alone. So there must have been a lot of kids they had to go through. I haven't been bugged by it too much, but Izuku's been anxious the whole week. I've tried distracting him from it, but we could only do so much. His mom hasn't wanted him to strain his arm, since he broke it, even though Recovery girl healed it. I don't blame her though. 
Right now, I'm sitting at my desk, reading a book. It's nice and quiet. I haven't had enough time to relax like this the past ten months with training and studying. Not that I really cared, it was just nice to be able to read quietly.
There was a knock at my door, making me turn towards it. It opens to reveal my mom, though I had already figured that out. "Kusuo, I have a letter for you." I immediately stand up. "Is it from UA?" She smiled and nodded. "Why don't you head over to the Midoriyas, and you and Izuku can open your letters together! Just remember to tell me when you get back!" I nod, taking the letter from her, and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I put on my shoes, and rush out the door, jogging my way towards the Midoriya household.
Once I get there, I knock on the door and wait.  It opens not too long after, with a confused Izuku there to greet me. "Hey Kusu-kun! What's up?" "Have you checked the mail today?" His eyes widen, but he shakes his head. "N-no, give me a second." He slips on his shoes, and runs to get the mail. He grabs it and runs back to the door, ushering me in along the way. 
"Mom! Me and Kusu-kun are going to my room for a little bit!" Inko Midoriya turns around to look at us. "Alright dear. I can make you both lunch while you're in there. Then you can tell me if you made it or not." We both nod, adn head into Izukus room. His room was covered in hero merch, mainly All Might, along with books and weights as well. It was much more cluttered than my own room, but that just meant it had more character to it. It was nice.
We both sat on the ground, in the middle of the room. We then looked at each other. "Should we open it together?" He asked. I nodded, then looked down at the envelope. We both carefully open it, and take out a small disk like thing. Suddenly, a hologram comes from both disks and they start playing at the same time. Loudly. "Ack! How do I turn it off!?" We both end up finding out how to turn them off around the same time, and we breathe out a sigh of relief. We look at each other, and start to laugh. 
Once we catch our breath, we look back at the disks. "D-do you want to go first Kusu-Kun?" I shrug. "Sure, if you don't want to." He nods, and I turn mine back on. The hologram flickers back to life, and to both of our surprise, All Might is the one greeting us, his grin as wide and bright as ever. "Hello There Young Kusuo Saiki! It's been a while, huh? Well, never fear, for I am here getting ready to start working at UA! And to tell you that because of your fantastic work in all aspects of the entrance exam, you have made it too UA! Congratulations!" I let out a shaky laugh. I hadn't realized how nervous I was until I was flooded with relief. "You had passed the written test with flying colors! And, not only did you take down many robots, already giving you more than enough points to pass, but you also gained points in a hidden part of the exam. As I'm sure you know, heros don't just fight villains, they also rescue others. You risked your life to save another student, and with that, you gained rescue points!" If I got rescue point for helping Mina... Then I bet she got some too... "And with the amount of points you earned all together, you ended up in the second place spot! Amazing job young Saiki! You will be in the Heroics class, Class 1-A! I'm sure you will see some familiar faces there! We'll see you there! And PLUS ULTRA!" He waved, then it ended. 
I stared at the disk for a moment, my mind going a mile a minute. "I..." "You did it Kusu-Kun!" Izuku cried, his hands in the air. I let out a sigh of relief, before flopping in my back. "I really did." I turned to look at Izuku as I sat up again. "Your turn." He flinched, but nodded, grabbing his disk, and turning it on. 
Once again, All Might appeared to greet us. (A/N: Screw it, I'm not wasting anymore time on trying to copy his whole speech. I'm sure you all get the gist, since it will be the same as in cannon)
"Heh... Of course you got in for saving someone. And we're even in the same class, isn't that- Izu!? It's ok! You got in! Don't cry!" I get closer to Izuku, as he quietly cries. I rub circles on his back, trying to calm him down. I know these weren't tears of sadness. Izuku is a very emotional person, and I'm sure he's just relieved to know he actually got in. "S-sorry..." He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Your fine, Izu. Once you're calmed down though, maybe we should tell your mom?" "Oh ya. Just... give me a minute?" I nodded, then picked up the disks, putting his on his desk, and putting mine in my pocket for now. 
I turn to him as he wipes his face and stands up. "You good?" "Y-yea.I'm good. Sorry, I'm just... So relieved." I nodded. "It's ok. I get it." He smiled at me, then nodded towards the door, opening it. "Ladies first." "You're a pain." "H-hey!" 

Hey Guys! Been a hot minute, hasn't it? Sorry about that! But now, we are cought up to not only the AO3 version, but also to what I have already written out! But, the next chapter is almost done, so it should be posted soon! (as long as I don't forget to post it here like this chapter...) But anyway, I really hope you all are staying safe right now and still wearing masks when your going out! And feel free to comment if you have an idea or a question! I might not get to it right away, I'll try but Wattpad's a butt- 

Anyway! As always, I hope that you have a great Day/Night! 

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