Chapter 3: The Evidence - Amy

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Walking into my building with a million thoughts on my mind, I barely notice the 6-foot-tall man sitting at the front desk until he clears his throat. Looking up, I wave to Sigmund, our security guard, and a good friend of mine. He's dressed in a black suit that they issue to each of our guards. Sig works the third shift and goes to college as well.

With a smile I say, "Hello Sig, are you having a good night?"

"Yes, Miss Murray, all is quiet, just working on some paperwork, and you?" He asks with a big grin on his face.

Such a nice guy.

"Busy, but, good. Take care and say hello to Ellen and your kids for me!" I reply while I hop onto the elevator with my big box of evidence and specimens.

"Will do, but don't work too late." He adds as the doors close.

On the ride up, I check over my box and see all the evidence I still have to go through before I can go home. Glancing at the mirrored panels of this elevator, I look old and haggard. My body is exhausted, so I better grab some coffee before I drift off to sleep in my office again.

The elevator doors open and as I walk out to the sea of empty desks, there is a loud crash in the back of the office.

Seriously, what now? This has been the strangest night.

Setting my box down on the closest desk, I continue towards the kitchen. All I can think is, I wonder if we have mice or rats. A mouse I could handle, but not a big old rat, with claws and teeth. I feel my body shudder at the thought. Let's just hope that's not the culprit.

As I slowly open the door, there is some movement over by the table. The light from the front office shines into the room and I see that there is a rat alright, two to be exact. Sonja, the lab tech, and Andy, the newly married man, and our Criminologist.

They are getting busy on our old oak kitchen table that is creaking and slowly sliding across the recently waxed floor. The moans are ungodly and I go unnoticed for a few moments. She is laying there with her legs over his shoulders, while he goes to town on her.

Sonja claws at our table while he brings her pleasure. And this has gotten very awkward for me. Hitting the lights, I clear my throat so that they acknowledge my presence. The sound immediately stops them, like a deer in the headlights, as I look at the floor. All I can think is, that's not something I wanted to see tonight and why our table?

I won't be eating my lunch in there ever again. What an ass. The ink isn't even dry on his marriage license yet, for god's sake.

Stepping over the broken vase, I continue through the back hall to the kitchen. I'll get my coffee and give them a few moments to compose themselves. Sonja is nice enough, but she's kind of hussy. The girl has fake boobs, fake blonde hair, and has had more married men than I have shoes. There is something wrong with a girl that only goes after men who wear a ring.

"Sorry you two, I heard a crash and came in to see what happened. I just need some coffee," I call out so they can regroup back in the lunchroom area.

Sonja got lilies delivered from another one of her beaus last week. Lilies, how appropriate... That brief affair died rather quick. Can't help but wonder how long this one will go on for, I think to myself.

Reaching up into the cabinet, I grab my "I Hate Monday's" Garfield mug. Someone already made coffee. Sonja, no doubt. So I pour a cup for myself and look out at the early morning sky. Taking a glug of hazelnut creamer from the new refrigerator and a packet of sugar, my coffee is complete. It smells so good and when I take a sip, it tastes even better.

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