Chapter 14: The Inquisition - Joe

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As we walk into a room that resembles a library, with many shelves and rows of first edition novels, no doubt. All leather-bound hardcover books, as far as the eye can see, encased in glass and not one out of place. In the center of the room, there is a large mahogany table with 12 high back, black leather chairs all standing at attention. Surrounding this high polished conference table are 3 statues of men, standing with pride, overseeing each meeting in this room. There are also several paintings perfectly in place, tucked in and around, on the spare sections of the wall that are not already occupied with books.

While looking around, I ask Mark, "So that girl you fought with is your sister? Couldn't she help you with the day-to-day duties of the club?"

Mark's surprised by my knowledge, by his expression.

He doesn't answer and continues to walk further on into the room. In the end, there is an enormous desk that is very similar to the one in my boss's office. He points to the old, high-back chair that's in front of this big old monstrous mahogany desk.

Yes, this must be Mark's office here at the club. The room is just his style, big, extravagant, and very masculine.

It's very dark at this end, with the deep green walls and the heavy green and gold curtains. Even though the lights are all on around the room, it still seems very portentous. There are only a few bookshelves on this side, full of old first edition books, I'm sure. The entire room was trimmed out in mahogany, just like his office at Roth Corp and at his home.

I get an eerie sensation, an almost uncomfortable feeling that I just can't ignore. Once we take our seats, a young woman enters with some paperwork for Mark.

"Here are the forms, sir, as requested." The girl says as she sets them on the desk and turns to leave.

She quickly glances at me with a nervous smile and then continues out the door as fast as she entered.

"Thank you, Abby, please let Nina know to come in when she is ready," Mark says to the mousy little thing with glasses and a ponytail.

She seems very young and too innocent to be working for Mark.

This little one answers, "Yes sir, thank you, sir." As she scurries out of Mark's office.

Looking at him, he smiles and says, "She's one of the member's kids who did an intern job for me over the summer. Abby did well, so I hired her. She's a good kid, but very timid."

This answers my question without me having to say a word. I nod and wait to see why he has brought me here. In my mind, we would be halfway back to the office by now, but I guess I'm wrong again.

Mark grabs the paperwork Abby brought in and hands it to me. Looking at the heading, I am shocked and confused. It says "Membership Initiation Application" and I look at Mark in total disbelief.

He says, "I think the best way to repay you for your loyalty, is to make you a member here at the club. The background check is horrendous, and the initiation takes a good six months, but it's well worth it once you've made it inside. This will give you a leg up and it will do wonders for your career, let alone your bank account. Here we treat you like family. We help each other out and offer each other information the outside world never gets to know. It's a brotherhood and I am asking you if you would like to be a part of our society."

When he finishes and I am completely stunned. How is this even possible? Is this happening? I am speechless and ecstatic at the same time.

"Thank you, sir, I am completely astounded and very grateful for the opportunity," I reply, not knowing what else to say.

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