Chapter 8: The Contract - Joe

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"Deidre, I wanted to talk to you about a personal assistant position. It's a higher paying ..." Mark says and my knocking on the open door stops him in his tracks.

"Joe, perfect timing. I was just discussing the new position with Deidre." Mark adds as he smiles at me knowingly.

He glances at the secret chamber door and then back at me.

How did he know I was listening?

Mark continues, "Were you able to extend things with Bill, as I asked?" He waits for my answer but also knows what I'm about to say.

"Yes, it's all set, Mark. No problems at all." I answer as he waves me into his office and points to the giant chair next to Deidre.

While walking over, I get my first actual glimpse of her for today. My God, how is it possible that she gets more beautiful every time I see her?

Today she is wearing lavender and a black satin blouse, which looks very silky. Her hair looks very soft as it flows straight down past her perfect breasts. She is wearing a short black layered skirt and those look like the stockings I bought her yesterday. I am aching to know what she has on underneath. Is she wearing the items I bought her, I wonder?

While shopping, I saw a beautiful bra and garter belt set, which was black with gold piping. The lingerie had a paisley design stitched into the fabric, and the black stocking had matching gold stitching and lace along the top. I had the set delivered to her last night with an anonymous card, hoping she might wear it today.

"Hello Deidre, it's nice to see you again. So, Mark discussed the position we need to fill?" I asked, as she nods and smiles at me.

Look at that smile. She is so beautiful, but I need to be mindful of how I react to her. From here on out, he will scrutinize everything I say and do.

Continuing, I add, "You know I am unmarried and often I'd need the applicant, you, to accompany me to certain events. We will set you up with a corporate account, which you would use for any items you might feel are essential to the event. Whether we go to dinner with clients or a corporate function, you will require outfits, dresses, unmentionables. We will issue you a company credit card to use for all purchases, or at the salon, and anything else you feel need or require. Second, I will need you to escort me to various meetings and take notes, carry files, get my lunch, and possibly dinner occasionally. This is a very labor-intensive position and I will need you to be on call 24/7." I explain, and her eyes are huge.

"I can do that. Be at your beck and call. I'll do anything you need." She says, and this arouses me and I'm sure Mark too.

She turns to Mark and asks, "Mr. Roth, will I continue to work for you, or solely for Mr. Whitney?" I wait for Mark to answer, and he smiles wickedly at her.

Here we go.

"Well, you will continue to take care of my needs, but with more duties. You will also cater to Joe's. Sometimes we will need for you to take care of both of us simultaneously." Good lord, he is an ass. "Also, we may need you to help a few of our other vice presidents, if the need arises," Mark says, and I cough.

What the hell is he talking about?

I get up and walk to the bar for a glass of water.

"No, Mark, I doubt she will have any time to take care of anyone but us. I plan to keep her very busy." I scold, and Mark smirks at me.

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