Chapter 19: Rite of Passage - Cal

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It's a nice warm day today, and spring is finally in the air. This would be a wonderful day if yesterday had never happened. Walking into our room, we were shocked and confused by what we saw. Our room was ransacked, and they destroyed everything of mine. The walls, ceiling, bed, my things, and Dan's as well, to some extent. Then last night, alone in the hotel room, I felt terrible that this might be all my fault.

Sitting quietly eating my breakfast sandwich, at our usual table, down in the commons area, I replay our misfortune over in my mind.

Why would someone do this and how did no one see or hear it happening?

Looking up at the stairs, I see my roommate Dan come lumbering down them towards me.

At some point yesterday afternoon or early evening, this occurred. They were looking for something, but I do not know what it was or why they needed to slash my mattress and destroy our entire dorm room.

It was mostly my things and only a few of Dan's belonging, so I have a feeling it was all about me.

After that, all went on. I got us a hotel room for the night, but couldn't sleep. I'm sure this happened because someone was after information on me because of my family. Knowing my actual identity, he probably thinks this is my fault, and it may very well be.

Dan acted like it was no big deal, but never showed up at the hotel last night. He is my only real friend here at college, and I hope he's not pissed off.

I couldn't blame him if he was because they destroyed our room, to where it needs to be remodeled. They cut into the drywall, pulled down the drop ceiling, and at first, we thought the upstairs had caved in on top of us, but that wasn't the case.

"Hey Cal, how's it going?" Dan asks with a blank look on his face and I just glanced at him with an embarrassed smile.

I reply, feeling like an ass, "I'm sorry about all of this man."

He looks back at me and shakes his head. Dan takes off his baseball cap and scratches his head.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't wreck the room. Hey, sorry I never made it back to the hotel. I ran into Amber at the party. She took pity on me and let me spend the night at her place." He explains, but I still feel bad, so I nodded at that and continued eating my hash browns.

The girls all love Dan. The guy is huge, extremely tall, 6-foot 4, and is always working out at the gym or jogging. Most of the girls go on and on about his white-blonde hair and his green eyes. They always ask if he is wearing contacts because they are so different looking. They look normal to me, but I'm not a girl.

It's funny because I do, it's part of my disguise and I'm liking the beard and mustache I grew. The tabloids caught me once before I started school, but they haven't found me lately. Well, unless they were the ones who trashed our room.

"Listen, Cal, I have some good news. I found an ad with two rooms off-campus. I spoke to the Dean of Admissions and since our room was wrecked, they have to bring in a crew to fix it up. Also, because you are a high-security student, he felt it would be ok for us to live off-campus. I haven't called them yet, but I think it sounds perfect. Here is the flyer I found on the bulletin board." Dan says as he hands me the bright yellow paper.


Off-Campus Housing

Graduate Students or Responsible Undergrads Only

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