Chapter 2

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- G-gon - I stepped slowly behind him placing my hand on his shoulder I noticed he was twitching a little - F-forget about him - I coughed, I heard Gon sigh as he stretch out his hand, Jonathan stretched his hand to grab Gons' to stand up but Gon pulled his hand away.

- Not your hand - he stretched his hand again - Killua's phone - he glared at him - give it - Jonathan groaned and gave my phone to Gon - let's go before I change my mind and kick his ass - he grabbed my arm and pulled me away, I was surprised that he didn't do anything wreckless and that he actually contained his anger and I was more surprised that he got so angry over seeing someone beat me, I never thought he would get this mad.

I saw Gon going towards the boys bathroom, I fell into confusion, weren't we supposed to be going to class?

- Gon why are we.. - I fell into silence as he interrupted me.

- I'm going to check you - he said hoarsely as we went inside the bathroom and he closed the door.

- Gon I'm fine there's no need to.. - he interrupted me by lifting me up from my legs as he sat me between the handwashes and pushed me a little to lean my back on the mirror, I looked at him shocked and confused - Gon what are you doing? - I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked down at him, he stayed silent and pulled my shirt up revealing my bruised stomach.

- Look at what that asshole did to you - he mumbled in a raspy deep voice that sent chills up my spine, I looked away since I felt embarrassed - Since when has this been going on? Is this the first time? - he sounded so serious and scary it made me tremble.

- W-we have class we should... - he glared at me demanding for an answer of his previous question, I looked away - N-no it's not the first time... Ever since I got here I've been bullied - I felt Gon's warm hand on my stomach as my heart started to pound inside me, what the heck is wrong with me? Why is he acting like this?

He pulled me down from there rather gently as I pulled down my shirt we walked out of the bathroom.

- Well now I'm here - he said in a serious tone - And I'm not leaving your side - I blushed at this when Gon looked at me I instantly looked away, I couldn't help but crack a small shy smile, I felt protected and happy finally.

When we finally got to class which was History the teacher had already begun.

- Care to explain your tardiness boys? - the teacher looked at us fixing her glasses she was rather young but very strict.

- Forgive us Miss Hayami we had a little inconvenience with a classmate of ours - Gon glared at Jonathan who was sitting beside the window as he only remained silent - But it won't happen again - he said bluntly as the teacher noded and let us take our seats.

The rest of the class was pretty boring, nothing interesting happened except the sour looks I received from other students since they probably already noticed that Gon and I know eachother from way back.

I began to think.. what if they started hating on Gon too for hanging out with me? What if they started to bully him too? I don't want that.. I don't want him to experience what I went through, but at the same time I wanted to stay by his side like before.

- Killua!! - I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Gon shout my name I felt embarrassed as I looked at him.

- S-sorry I kinda dosed off - I blushed as I heard Gon chuckle.

- C'mon class is over let's go to the cafeteria - I noded as I grabbed my backpack and followed Gon to the exit of the classroom.

During the walk to the cafeteria neither of us said anything, there was a deep silence between us I began to lose myself in thought once more but Gons' voice brought me back to reality.

- Killua.. ur kinda umm.. holding back the line - he chuckled nervously as I shook my head I didn't even notice when we entered the cafeteria, I moved quickly up front flustered as I grabbed my food and quickly left to sit at the farthest table.

I saw Gon approach my table as he gave me a worried look.

- Are you feeling ok? - he asked as he sat across from me, I looked down at my plate and then at him.

- Umm yea.. I'm fine.. I've just had a lot of things in my head that's all - I played with my food as I heard Gon clear his throat.

- Things like? - he took a bite off his burger while he kept his eyes on me, there was no point in lying to him since he would know and he would probably get mad.

- Well now that you're here.. as you can probably see a lot of students hate me, they've hated me ever since I got here in my first year of high school - I heard Gon go "Mjm?" As a signal for me to continue - I haven't been able to make friends since everyone has spread fake rumors about me throughout the school - he put down his soda and looked at me.

- What rumors? - he questioned in a low raspy voice as he blinked slowly and stared at me, I shifted a little in my seat taking a deep breath.

- W-well that I come from a family of freaks drug dealers - I looked away - I get made fun of a lot 'cause my features are very... Femenine and well.. everyone thinks I'm weird and that I don't belong here... They say I belong in a strip club or something like that since people have said that my sister Alluka works at a strip club which is also a lie - I sighed in frustration as I took a first bite of my food.

- There is something more than that troubling you.. what is it? - he glared at me as I gulped he was gonna get the truth out of me one way or another and I knew it.

- Well I was just thinking... I don't want people to start hating on you for hanging out with me.. I mean you're pretty popular and very admired by many - I paused as he opened his eyes wide - I don't want you to experience what I have gone through - I looked down my chest began to feel tight - It's not that I don't want to hang out with you it's just that.. - I fell into silence as I saw Gons' intense glare.

- Listen Killua - he sighed as he looked at me in a much softer expression this time - I don't give a shit about what people think or what they doo, I could care less if they don't like me hanging out with you - he took a sip of his soda - Popularity is bullshit to me and I'm not gonna leave my best friend over some assholes that all they want is to fuck you up - he looked deep into my eyes making my face turn red - So if they don't like me hanging out with you they're gonna have to shut their mouths and deal with it - he stood up and grabbed his plate - For me, you're first than anyone in this whole damn school and if they don't like it they can kiss my ass - I was surprised, never in my life I heard Gon use such language, what has gotten into him? - Are you done? - he looked down at me and my half empty plate I nodded in response - Then let's go, bell's gonna ring soon - and with that we threw away our leftovers leaving the plates on the bin and left.

As we walked silently through the campus I couldn't help but feel an immense happiness inside of me, I was so happy that Gon was with me I could just hug him and not let go.. I-I mean umm... I could just umm.. shit I got nothing.

- Hey Killua you okay? - I heard Gons' voice as I looked at him - You're blushing a lot - I opened my eyes wide and looked away blushing even more I heard a soft chuckle come from him as we heard the bell ring - Well.. it's time to get back to class - he smiled at me as I barely looked at him and nodded - C'mon let's go! - he grabbed my hand and dragged me to our next class I couldn't help but follow behind him a blushing mess as people stared at us, I was so embarrassed.

But on the inside I felt rather warm.. like as if I had butterflies in my stomach I didn't understand these feelings... Probably 'cause it's been a while since we've hung out.. yea.. it's probably just that...

To be continued

Hellooo here goes the second chapter of this story, I hope you guys are liking it so far uwu I have many ideas and inspirations for it and I'll try to update as fast as I can if there is any inconveniences I'll let you guys know but on the meanwhile let's enjoy the beautiful world of Killugon uwu don't forget to leave your votes and comments :3 till next time my lovelies!! uwu

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