Chapter 9

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As the minouts passed both males drifted into a deep slumber.

Hours later the white haired male fluttered his eyelids open as he streched his body and sat on the bed, he looked to the window to see it was already dark, he yawned and went down the stairs quietly to not wake up the male that was sleeping in the bed under.

When his feet finally touched the cold ground he looked at the raven haired boy sleeping, his face was stained by the salty tears and he snored softly, Killua couldn't help but feel terrible at what he said, although what he said wasn't bad, but it was enough to put Gon to tears, which tore him apart.

Killua sat at the edge of the bed, close to Gon and slided his pale fingers softly through his spikey black hair as he let out a soft sigh.

Killua turned his gaze towards the clock while still shifting through Gon's hair.


The boy sighed and turned his gaze back towards Gon who began moving, Killua removed his hand quickly and stood up stepping away from the bed as he heard Gon mumbling and seemingly talking in his sleep, Killua listened attentive and managed to cought these simple words that made echo in his head and his heart explote inside his chest.

"K-killua.. Killua... I love you~"

The boy stared in shock at the black haired male, he couldn't believe that Gon was dreaming with him, and most importantly... He said that he loved him, Killua's face was tainted in red from embarrassment as he covered his face.

Killua soon noticed the black haired male shifting in the bed as he slowly opened his eyes, he instantly panicked when he saw Gon turn his gaze towards him.

- Killua? What's wrong? - Gon scratched his eyes and sat straight on the edge of the bed as Killua stared at him in silence - Killua? - the white haired male shook his head snapping out of his daze.

He gave Gon a weak smile letting a deep sigh scape his lips.

- It's nothing, I was just gonna go to the bathroom, and happened to hear you talking in your sleep - Gon opened his eyes wide staring at Killua.

- W-what did I say? - he felt his heart thumping uncontrollably as he clenched the bed sheets.

- Nothing much, just talking about food - Killua faked a chuckle, he couldn't tell Gon the truth, he just couldn't, it would make things awkward and Killua didn't want to put up with that.

Gon stared at him, not quite believing what he said, but he didn't want to push things, so he decided to simply sigh in "releaf" and nod.

The male with blue orbs rushed to the bathroom leaving the other one to wonder in his thoughts, what did he say in his sleep? Did he say something embarrassing? Did he say something to make Killua feel weird?

Those thoughts rushed into Gon's mind making him groan and hold his head, it ached from so much crying and the simple act of thinking made his head ache more.

When he heard Killua walk out of the bathroom he decided to lay once more on the bed and close his eyes, hoping for tomorrow to be a better day.


Both males woke up to the aroma of a delicious breakfast being prepared downstairs, Killua sat on the bed, streched and yawned scratching his eyes as he turned to let his legs danggle from the side of the bed.

But little did Killua know that Gon had just sat on the side of the bed and that at the moment Killua let his legs hang swinging then back he kicked Gon on the face with his left ankle.

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