Chapter 3

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Our last three clases, Maternity, English, and PE went pretty smoothly, Jonathan didn't dare to come bother me since he was still startled by Gon, a lot of the girls were trying to hit on Gon and for some reason that made me mad they acted all nice to me just to get closer to him and basically grind their asses on him like the basic bitches they are, thankfully Gon wasn't that stupid, he would just smile politely and excused himself to leave as he dragged me along with him, all the girls glared daggers into me as we left I only grined and followed him.

At the end of our PE class we went to the locker room to change into our school uniforms I couldn't help but slightly glance at Gon as he changed I blushed hard as I took a good look at his body, he was very muscular and slightly taned I mean.. we did see eachother naked when we were younger but.... He didn't look as sexy as he does now, I mean! Not that I was checking him out! Just that.. ugh nevermind!

- Uhh Killua? - he called my attention as I realized I was starting at him like a creep and he noticed, I looked away flustered - Are you planning on going out shirtless or what? - I heard him chuckle as I noticed I still had my button up shirt in my hands I hurried to put my shirt and jacket on a bit embarrassed by my behavior, as I finished I noticed Gon walk up to me, the locker room was empty, he grabbed me by my chin and made me look at him - You look cute when you're embarrassed you know? - I blushed instantly as I pulled my face away.

- B-baka! Stop saying stuff like that - I scowled  - You're only making me feel more embarrassed - I retorted as he smiled rather mischievously.

- That's the point - he walked passed me and stoped at the exit - C'mon, you don't plan sleeping in here do you? - he bluffed as I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran to him.

- Heck no - I gave him a serious look as he laughed - What's so funny? - I asked as we walked out.

- Nothing, nothing - he chuckled as I crossed my arms he smiled at me - Wanna go grab an ice cream? - I shoved my hands inside my pockets and pulled them inside out showing the emptyness, I wasn't planning on going nowhere so I didn't bring any money - It's fine I'll buy you one - he smiled - And I'm not taking a "no" as an answer - I sighed and nodded.

We left the school as we walked to the closest ice cream shop, we walked in and bought our ice creams.

We sat on a bench and I decided to cut the silence.

- So what made you want to come precisely here, to New York? - Gon smiled and sighed leaning his back on the bench.

- Aunt Mito got a nice job offer here as the secretary of an important business company - my lips went into a perfect "o" as I stared at Gon - They told her she would receive a good amount of money so she took the offer, at first I didn't want to leave my home.. but now I'm grateful that she convinced me to accompany her - he smiled at me.

- Hm? And why is that? - I tilted my head as Gon licked his ice cream and smiled.

- Because I got to see you again - I blushed as I was licking my ice cream - I get to hang out with my best friend again - I opened my eyes wide as Gon chuckled - What's wrong? - I looked away blushing.

- Nothing - I sighed - Did you... Miss me all this time that we weren't together? - I didn't know why I asked that.. I just felt like I had too.

- I did - his response cought me off guard - I already told you before - I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment - I always wondered when we would meet again, I always wondered how you were doing if you were ok.. I wondered if you missed me too - he sighed and looked at me with a side smile that made my heart skip a beat.

- Gon... - he smiled at me and sat closer, I couldn't help but blush as his face was so close to mine I noticed him staring at my lips - G-gon what are... - I felt his thumb on my bottom lip as he wiped something off he then licked his thumb and smiled brightly I gasped a little and pulled back as he snickered. 

- You had ice cream dripping down your lip - he closed his eyes and smiled - I couldn't help myself - I looked away covering my mouth while blushing.

- Baka.. I could have cleaned it myself you know? - I saw him pout as I gulped hard.. what is this boy doing to me?

- But I wanted to clean it for you - he looked deep into my eyes causing me goosebumps - Did it bother you? - he used a tone that made me melt inside.

- W-well.. no but.. it was uncalled for - I scowled looking away while blushing, I heard him chuckle - You never change - I looked at him as I threw away the napkin after finishing my ice cream.

- Do you want me to? - he asked tilting his head as he licked his ice cream.

- NO! - he smiled at my sudden outburst as I looked down at my lap embarrassed - We should get going, my parents will kill me if I get home to late - I stood up, Gon repeated my action throwing away the napkin of his already finished ice cream.

- I'll accompany you - he smiled at me.

- I can go by myself you should get back to your house - he shaked his head smilling.

- Nothing's gonna happen I'll accompany you c'mon - he pushed me softly as I started to walk, I smiled shily looking away - We should hang out more often like this, it feels nice - I heard him say as he walked beside me I looked at him - I'll give you my direction you can drop by any day in the weekend, aunt Mito and grandma will be happy to see you again - he smiled and pulled out his phone, it was a Samsung Galaxy 10 the same as mine - Give me your number I'll send you my direction in a text - I nodded and gave him my number.

We continued walking and chatting laughing and messing around as we finally made it to my house I saw my mother waiting for me in the entrance.. this isn't good.

I quickly said goodbye to Gon as I ran inside I looked back as I saw him staring at me with a small smile till he finally turned and left.

I looked at my mom she didn't look happy surely I was in big trouble.

To be continued

Hi hi :3 hope you guys like this chapter things are finally starting to get interesting and I have many ideas for the upcoming chapters :3 don't forget to leave your votes and comments till next time! :3

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