Chapter 6

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Killua stared at his phone in silence, a lot of things were crossing his mind.

- What should I say? Should I say yes? - he paced around the room until he stoped and took a deep breath - Stop it Killua, you're overreacting - he grabbed his phone and began to type - It's not like he's asking me out on a real date - he huffed as he sent the message.

"Sure, whatever, I guess it's better than being here all bored"

He sent the message and soon enough got a reply from the raven haired boy.


"Awesome!!! I really can't wait, It's gonna be our first senior party!!"

The boy with safire orbes smiled sweetly.

"With you here, this whole senior year will be a blast"

He sent the message and instantly blushed as he noticed how obvious he was being he then sighed softly when he saw the older ones reply.


"Awwww Killuuuu~ 💙"

And with that, both boys continued texting eachother as small smiles formed in their lips and new emotions grew within them.

The weekend came soon enough, it was Friday and the boys were just leaving school, as usual Gotoh was waiting for Killua at the exit while Gon accompanied the white haired male to the limousine.

- Good afternoon young Gon, master Killua - he greeted politely as Gon smiled.

- Good afternoon Mr. Gotoh! - the boy chirped as Killua got inside the limousine.

- Have you taken good care of master Killua? - he asked earning a blush from both boys.

- Sure have! Don't worry Mr. Gotoh, I will never let anything bad happen to Killua - Killua was already a blushing mess.

- Can we leave already?! You guys are embarrassing me - he slided back on his seat as he crossed his arms blushing and looking away from Gon who was staring at him with a silly smile.

- Right away young master Killua - Gotoh started the limousine and Gon peeked his head through Killuas window.

- Don't forget to bring extra clothes, I'll be waiting for you at aunt Mitos' - he said as Killua looked at him and noded with a side smile - M'kay see you later! - Gon stepped back and waved his hand as Killuas window closed and Killua waved his hand in response.

Gon watched the vehicle take off as he smiled and began to walk towards his house but soon was stoped by a group of students.

- Hey Gon!! - The mentioned one stoped and turned to look at the group of two girls and three boys that jogged towards him.

- Uhh heyy - he spoke rather awkwardly as he scratched his head.

- Is it cool if we stick with you on our way home? We're headed towards the same direction as you anyways - the red haired girl said as she walked beside Gon and played with a strand of her hair trying to act flirty while Gon raised an eyebrow and laughed rather uncomfortably.

- Umm.. yea I guess? - the other teens smiled as they walked with Gon and chatted with him.

- So.. do you have a date already for next months party? - the black haired girl, Ariana, asked as Gon smiled.

- Yep, well it's more like a friendly date since I invited Killua - he chirped with a sweet smile as the others gasped.

- Y-you invited Killua? - the girls questioned a bit disappointed.

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