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Steve, Natasha and Clint got back to the safe house and Tony ran up to the three to see his family. Tony stopped midway, his eyes searching for any signs of the blue and red clad hero. "Pete?" Steve sighed and shook his head. "Ultron grabbed Nat and Peter saved her. Ultron grabbed Pete instead and we don't..." Steve trailed off, seeing the look of terror and anger his husband held. "Our kid's gone?" Steve nodded and bowed his head in sadness. "I should've listened to you, I'm sorry." Tony huffed and took small steps toward Steve.

"I love you. Help me find him please."

I sat up, the pain in my head affecting my vision. I could've sworn I saw Ultron standing above me, his robot face somehow turned into a smile. I blinked and let out a quiet yell when I realized I wasn't crazy. "Ah good you're awake. I wasn't sure you'd wake up. I hoped you would, I wanted to show you something. I don't have anyone else. I think a lot about meteors, the purity of them. Boom! The end, start again. The world made clean for the new man to rebuild. I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful. The world would've looked to the sky and seen hope, seen mercy. Instead they'll look up in horror because of you. You've wounded me. I give you full marks for that. But, like the man said, "What doesn't kill me..." A metallic screeching sound filled my ears and I winced at the dialed up sound. "...just makes me stronger."

Ultron left some short time later, his army of robots going with him. I laid down in the cell Ultron dumped me in. For a nonhuman thing, he sure is a douche. I played with my fingers while I waited for something, someone, maybe a sign to get me out of here. Ultron had taken my suit, he left it on a table about 15 feet away. Quite frustrating I might add. I put my hands in my hair and felt a weird but oddly familiar earpiece caught in my curls. I grinned as I realized that Ultron hadn't known I had a comm in. That's odd. I slipped the comm into my ear and tapped it. I waited a moment, hoping to hear something. "Shut it down!" The exclamation made me jump, but I still grinned and jumped up nonetheless. I put my fingers to the comms, turning it on to a point where I could speak. I listened to the two bicker loudly. "I know you're angry." I froze. I recognized that voice. It belonged to one of the twins, the weird Cap called her. I heard Bruce snap at her and I sighed, hating them fighting.

"Will you guys please stop fighting for one minute?" I hadn't meant to say that outloud and into the comms. "Steve please tell me you heard that too." Tony's voice breathed through the line. "I heard it, Pete can you tell us where you are?" I looked around, not seeing anything identifiable. "No, but Ultron left my suit here. You can remotely turn on Karen. You'll have to hack into her mainframe, but it's a straight shot from there. Once you get her up, she'll connect to my comms and I can send out a distress signal. Hurry though, Ultron has an upgrade and an army, I'm not sure what he's doing." "Clint, Natasha you heard him."

It took about 5 minutes before I heard that voice I love so much. "Peter?" "Oh thank jeez. Karen send out a distress signal, boost to every tower you can get to." "Right away." I sat on a box of something in the cell. This has got to be the most boring kidnapping ever. "Pete we got the signal, don't worry we're coming."

I'm not sure how but I fell asleep waiting for my family to rescue me. I woke up to the sound of a cell door screeching and for a second I thought Ultron came back. That was until 4 arms pulled me into a massive hug. "Peter Benjamin Parker, don't you ever scare us like that again." I smiled to myself, maybe everything will be alright. "Suit up kid, there's some dangerous shit going on up there." Steve smacked Tony upside the head and they pulled me from the cell. I quickly took off the oversized clothes Ultron dressed me in and pulled on my suit. "Karen?" "You're back! Good, how does everything feel?" "Good good, thank you." She didn't respond but something told me she appreciated it. I follow the two men out of an underground metal workshop and into a city full of panicking people. The silver haired twin ran past us, only to stop and run back. He held his hand out to me, "Sorry for nearly killing you. Only doing what I thought was right." I hesitantly took the hand and smirked under my mask, "No harm, no foul."

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