|Heist|Chapter 4|Flashback|

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A/N: Feel free to point out mistakes! 💙

The car soon came to a stop, Namjoon and Hoseok were the first to get out. Hoseok went straight to the door of the windowless warehouse. Namjoon opened both of the doors, making simple conversation with Yoongi as everyone else crawled out as well.

"We'll have Taehyung train with Jungkook, he is already skilled in boxing so having Kook turn him into a human weapon is our best bet." Yoongi spoke, tapping his chin with a bony, pale finger. Namjoon spoke thoughtfully as he walked to the door of the building with his hyung as he watched Y/N and Taehyung's backs as they followed Jimin.

"And what about Y/N?" Namjoon questioned as he shuffled into the building. Yoongi stared down the girl and his eyes lit up as he immediately got an idea.

"She'll train with Jimin. We'll use her looks as a distraction like we do with Jimin, because let's be honest, no matter how attractive he is, not every person swings his way. I don't want her to learn to throw knives so maybe twin knives and she can fight hand to hand combat with them." Yoongi more than suggested. He was the weapon specialist after all and he assigned everybody's weapons and there were no complaints, at least no one expressed them to Yoongi.

"I like that. She'll work with Jungkook later after we build her knife skills. We'll have to put them on diet and workout regiments and training will start soon, who knows when we'll have a job and I know they will be fine." Namjoon spoke with authority.

Meanwhile, Y/N glanced around the warehouse. It wasn't like how she expected, it was transformed into a home per-say. When on the outside, she expected cold cement floors and bare walls. She didn't except a large living room with flush carpeting, beautiful paintings, photographs and a gigantic Tv that Hoseok had turned on. Or an equally as large kitchen, with a large expensive table and expensive china decorating the black pristine marble kitchen. She definitely didn't expect to be greeted with her own room, let alone her own bed.

But there she was, standing her own room with her brother and Jimin. The room had walls that were painted a cool grey, a maroon bed spread with black fluffy pillows. A small maroon couch with similar black fluffy pillows like the ones sat on her bed, in the corner of the room. A TV that was on the wall in front of her bed. Taehyung's room was just like Y/N but with a more muted grey and cool blue tones and their rooms were connected by the bathroom.

"These were guest rooms that never seemed to be touched. I'm sure you both will put them to good use." Jimin spoke, sharing a friendly smile, his eyes creasing as well. It faltered for a second when the boy checked his phone. "Joonie-hyung is telling everyone to turn in for the night, we all having training in the morning. I'm guessing you both will know your positions tomorrow. We have to wake up at eight sharp so don't stay up too late."

Y/N nodded and watched as Jimin left, shutting the door behind him, leaving the siblings to each other. As soon as the door clicked, tears welled up in Y/N eyes and she began to shake as she sobbed. Taehyung's eyes widened, but he didn't wait to comfort his sister.

"T-tae, we f-finally are getting justice for A-appa and Eom-mma." The girl spoke through her sobs, shakily uncontrollably in her brother's arms. Consoling his sister, Taehyung rubbed his sisters back, promising to be by her side for this messy ride. They'd help Namjoon and then find who killed their parents and take their lives with zero mercies or regret and they'll be on their way. After collecting herself, Y/N shooed off her brother and crawled into her bed, drifting to sleep.


Young Taehyung dragged his 13 old sister, an expression of panic painted on his face as they ran. Trying her best to keep up, Y/N ran while her lungs burned and her heart ached. Their potential murders hot on their tails. Taehyung knew Busan wasn't the place you should be pickpocketing strangers, smuggling everything they had in their pockets, silently and swiftly, but this city was his home, being young, they had no efficient ways of transportation, young and poor.

The only sounds were the children running and the men who were chasing them. Taehyung ran with all his might, dragging his sister as he sprinted. His eyes glossy as he panicked.

When Taehyung noticed the men were far enough behind, he turned into an alley. A desperate grin was on his face as he noticed a fire escape that lead up an abandoned apartment building.

Suddenly Y/N tripped, as strangled cry left her lips as she skidded on the ground. Taehyung cried out his sister's name as he ran to her side. The small girl was shaking as sobs raked through her body, staring at her bloody hands.

"I'll clean up when we get inside, just get up!" Taehyung scrambled to help his sister up, afraid the men would catch up and kill the small children.

Y/N nodded through her tears as she let Taehyung drag her as he ran. The metal of the fire escape groaned as 14 year old taehyung shoved her on one of the higher steps to hurry. Though her hands burned, Y/N pushed her up as she looked down. Her brother tossing the gun they pickpocketed on one of the many platforms of the fire escape. Scrambling due to hearing the shouts of the men who were gaining on them, Taehyung let his legs carry him up the fire escape to where his sister was.

Y/N pushed up one of the apartment windows, diving inside the apartment. Just as Taehyung tumbled into the window, the men ran to the opening of the alley, only glancing down the alley before they kept running.

Smacking his head on the floor, Taehyung watched as stars bounced around in his vision. As his eyes got used to the new darkness, he called out to his sister. Her shadowed figure came out from one of the rooms in the abandoned apartment.

Due to the light that the window let in, Taehyung could only see one half on Y/N's small face, but he could tell as her body shook, she was crying. Was it due to the dried blood on her ankle from one of the bad men's blade that grazed the surface of her soft pale skin? Nope. It was the fact that one of the messy rooms of the apartment was a bed. Taehyung figured that when his young sister pulled him up and through the ran down home and pulled into what seemed to be a bedroom.

His eyes lit up as he saw the twin bed in the corner, covered in thick and sealed plastic saving it from bugs that could've infested the bed. Why was the boy excited? It had been six months since he and his sister slept on a bed, usually sleeping on ran down building floors.

"A bed!" He exclaimed as he ran and jumped on it, a small laugh leaving his lips. He turned towards his sister, sharing his boxy grin. It faltered as he remembers his baby sister was bleeding. The red spot on her pant leg.

"Come here, and bring your bag." He spoke softly. As

Y/N sat down beside him, wincing slightly. She handed over the bag and Taehyung pulled out clothes from the stuffed bag, the noises of wallets, necklaces, ids and cards fell to the floor as he pulled out the more than half empty bottle of rubbing alcohol and bandaids.

After tending to his sister, he pulled out their blanket and made pillows out of the three T shirts he had in his bag. He then left to lock all of the windows, pulling down the tore up blinds that darkened the room slightly. He then pushed a bookshelf against the door after checking how it opened. He was lucky it opened towards him and used the bookshelf to block the door. If they needed to leave, they'd use the fire escape.

He turned on his heels, wiping his hands on his dirty shorts and made his way back to Y/N. She was fast asleep so Taehyung sat in the corner of his bed, grabbing a barely charged phone from his pocket that he stole. Fortunately, for him, the phone didn't have a lock, and he stole the charger too so he could go to a cafe and charge the phone. To be safe he took out the SIM card and reset it.

The boy sat in the corner of the room, watching and protecting his baby sister as she slept. Mentally repeating how he would avenge their parents and keep his sister safe.


Y/N eyes flickered open, staring at her ceiling as she laid on her back. A cough forced its way up her throat, as she tucked her head into her arm. Water. She thought to herself, combing back her ridiculously long hair. She pushed herself up and left the comfort of her warm bed. Making her way to the bathroom, she looked into room as he didn't close the door on his side. His blonde hair and closed eyes were the only thing poking from underneath his blanket as he snored. Grinning to herself, she sleepily sauntered away and out of her room.

As she walked down the stairs, they groaned under her feet. The breeze from the air conditioning vents chilled Y/N long bare longs, her waist long hair swaying as she descended. The whole warehouse was dark, which Y/N found disturbing. Remembering the tour Jimin gave her and Taehyung, she made her way to the kitchen.

A gasp left her lips as she walked into the kitchen due to Jungkook. "You scared me!" Y/N giggled nervously, holding her heart. Y/N couldn't deny that fact that Jungkook is a total hunk, a muscular build, long legs, body decorated with tattoos, the ear piercings.

Jungkook just stared at her over the rim of his hot chocolate mug, his dark eyes narrowed. Though she was pretty and walked around with a perfect little body. He didn't trust her, but Namjoon seems something in them, so maybe she'll come in handy, and his Jimin hyung was also fond with Y/N and her brother.

Y/N frowned due to the look Jungkook was throwing at her,"What's got your panties in a bunch?" She questioned before looking him up and down and tilting her head. It was Jungkook's turn to scowl before he stood up straight, towering over the girl at 6'2. A mocking laugh left his lips, as he poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

"I don't know what my hyungs see in you but I'm not exactly feeling your vibe," Jungkook glared at the fellow 16 year old, setting down his cup. "I don't like you, and I definitely don't trust you ." If it was even possible, his glare would intensify times 10.

Y/N shifted her weight on one leg, glaring up at the taller boy. "Honestly, I'm not tripping, didn't care if you did anyway, so I definitely don't care as one now." She rested her hands on her hips. "Not to mention, it's not like I'm here to stay, we help you guys do whatever, then Namjoon helps me and my brother kill the people who killed my parents and then we'll be on our way." Y/N stated as she moved around the kitchen, getting a cup and filling it up with water.

Jungkook smirked at the girl,"You won't even make it past intuition, princess. You and your brother aren't getting help with shit." Jungkook stated, before turning to grab his cup and stalk out of the room and down the hall. Y/N shook her head as she rolled her eyes, she continued to drink her water and then proceeded to go back to her room.

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