|Heist | Chapter 8 | Realization |

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Y/N's mind ran as she laid in her room. Her small frame under the thick blanket as she laid in bed. Maybe Jungkook was right, how could she complete the initiation process if she couldn't kill someone. 

Fighting is one thing, but killing is another. 

With one of her knives in her hand, she glared at her soon to be murder weapon. Seeing her reflection in the shinning metal caused the hairs on her arm to stand as Y/N shuddered. She'd soon be a murderer, and it's all she could think about. 

Were they good men about to be murdered, absolutely not, the profiles she read on the men that work inside the club were horrible. They were murderers themselves, rapists too, who work along side the police force. Did they deserve death for the horrendous things they've done, or would serving life sentences be better, Y/N shook that thought from her mind, the police didn't do shit for her family, why would they turn on men they're working with. Y/N didn't know but she knew she didn't feel comfortable playing God. 

How did these young boys kill men? How did they live with themselves after? Y/N then remembered how Namjoon said they lost their parents somewhere along the line. They're doing this for their parents as well. 

Her thoughts suddenly changed as a vision of her parents' bullet riddled bodies popped in her head, this is all for them after all. Y/N knew she didn't want to feel like a murderer, but the more she thought about how bad the men were and how long she and Taehyung suffered without their parents, she couldn't help but bubble with anger. 

She wondered how many parents these men had killed, all the children who hadn't yet understand while their older sibling explained they'd never see their parents or feel their warm embrace. Her heart hurt for all the raped women, young and grown. 

These men might've been human, but they had no sense of humanity. Y/N knew she'd never kill an innocent men or women, but these men were no where near innocent. She decided she'd avenge the dead and the living people these men hurt, like how she hoped the police would avenge her and her brother, but know that it was in her hands, she knew justice would come if she was apart of BangTan.

Sitting up, Y/N wiped the tears she didn't know were forming out of her eyes. Her eyes shut as she inhaled and exhaled. 

I have to do this, not just for me and Tae, but for all the families who lost the members of their family that held them together.

As Y/N thought about the day where she lost everything but her brother, the pain ate her alive much like it did everyday. She'd soon be the guardian angel of the dead and living victims and the executioner of these bad men, the more she thought about it, the more she was ready. 

Just as she was getting ready to get up, the door slams into the wall, barely missing her. A small squeal left her lips as she made eye contact with a visibly excited Jimin. She couldn't help but notice the smiling figure behind him. There a girl was, a beret set upon her brunette hair. Y/N realized it was Jin's sister, for she looked so much like him, just as gorgeous yet feminine. 

"Sorry Y/N," Jimin started, his eyes squinted as he smiled, "Didn't think I'd almost hit you with a door, just wanted to introduce Naomi to you. Guess I got a little excited." His smile faltered for a second as he scratched behind his ear. "Speaking of, Y/N this is Naomi, Naomi this is Y/N, you are friends now." 

"You guess" Y/N laughed as she rolled her eyes, mocking the boy before her. She offered a smile to Naomi, showing she was kind, which Naomi returned with ease.  The other two laughed as well as Y/N stepped back letting them into the room, she couldn't help but notice the bags in Naomi's hands.

"You just gonna make her carry those heavy ass bags?" Y/N shook her head at Jimin, jokingly scolding the boy sitting on her dresser, as she picked up one of the large bags, setting it on her bed with a huff.

"I ain't tell her to bring all that shit, plus you're a body builder, you got this." His teasing tone caused them to laugh again as Y/N rolled her eyes. 

"You're rude, and I'm not a body builder, I'm a boxer." Y/N said, sticking her tongue out at him. 

"Thank you, Y/N. Jimin watched me struggle, Jungkook actually helped me carry all this upstairs," Y/N refrained from rolling her eyes at the mention of Jungkook. "But let's get started, we have a lot to do." 

"What color are you going with?" Jimin asked the stylist, who looked inside her many bags. 

"I know Jin told you that you had a choice on what mask you where but I worked along side the boys, and made this mask, now hear we out" Naomi said, pulling it out her bag. Y/N eyes widened as she seen the mask, it was one that would only cover up to her nose, it was covered in roses, and was gorgeous. "It has a camera on the front so we can monitor you guys and keep you safe, as well as having small speakers on the ear strap so that you can listen to incoming orders from Namjoon. And since the mask is red, your hair is going to be red as well." 

Y/N gasped at the bold color choice, she felt self conscious over the choice of the bright color for her hair, yet the gorgeous and high tech mask peaked her interest. "Sounds good to me." She smiled at the other girl, nodding. 

(Sorry for all the random republishing notifs, I was just editing already written chapters. Also this chapter isn't as long as the others but I hope you enjoy my book).

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