Chapter 4

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"Every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but...that's why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least, that's what I figure." Sonic says to Merlina, he offers her both a genuine smile and a blooming golden flower - a carnation. "It's okay to be scared of the end, but, it's not okay to let that fear overcome you and eat you alive."

Sonic the hedgehog had been an enigmatic person to Merlina, his core seeming to be entangled and knotted up with lighthearted jokes and bubbly personality. Never did she think she would be heeding the words of this hedgehog in a million years.

And here she is now, staring up at the pale, dreary grey skies with a carnation wilting in her hands. Reminiscing Sonic's kind and wisened words that had completely changed her life back around to where she could what she's become. Over time, Merlina earned the true trust of Sonic and the begrudging trust - and forgiveness - from his knights of the round table.

In the beginning, Merlina had her magic depleted and was unable to return Sonic home right away like he wished. The blue hedgehog did not fault her for this, though, the churning guilt in her chest told her otherwise. She recalls on this bleak day of when Sonic made the decision to stay after the days began delving into weeks and further beyond.

The kingdom of Camelot had rejoiced that the false, cruel king had fallen. There were celebrations in honor of Sonic after he was formally crowned king at his coronation. Eventually he settled in as fine as he could. Sonic's rule over Camelot had been entirely different from Arthur's. Where there were darkened skies, starving people, and wild fear with the previous ruler. There had been nothing but a flourishing kingdom under Sonic's selfless and attentive care to all in his kingdom. He took the responsibility as king far better than ever imagined.

Eventually, they became family through time.

Which made their torment all the more painful.

His presence had been ripped from this world by force - yet, Sonic has left an impact not only upon Camelot, there had been the lasting memories of his ghost still left behind in the minds of his friends and family. He fought for what he knew was right in his heart and that changed the lives of many. Including Merlina's and his own.

Sonic of all people deserves that happy ending.

But fate is cruel. She is bitter. Awful. Unfair.

With a brief touch of her fingers, she enchanted the yellow carnation to perk up with life and vibrancy so it can live on forever without losing it's youth. Her magic has been depleted heavily, and this feat of magic is one of the only things she can do now...she must be seen as a failure of a wizard and enchantress in not only her grandfather's eyes, but Camelots as well... In her melancholic musing Merlina cannot help but find Sonic's departure as a tragedy where she is at fault. Had she tried harder, then perhaps Sonic could have achieved his desire to stay with this world he's come to love as his own.

If only Merlina had done more, then maybe Sonic could have had that happy ending that she and fate took away.


The wizard needs not to turn and see, for she already recognizes the voice of Lancelot. In her melancholic musing, she cannot recall hearing him approach until now. There is the quiet clanging of metal armor scraping onto the cobbled grounds of the courtyard, "Sir Lancelot..." She greeted the knight in response and polite acknowledgement, however, her heart is pounding in her chest like a skittish rabbit's in the presence of a wolf.

Worried that Lancelot despises her for the wrongs and atrocities she's committed. Terrified that he will finish what Arthur commanded because Merlina wasn't powerful enough to keep her broken promise to Sonic, his now lost love.

"...He would not want you to blame yourself." He said. Merlina's jewelry jingled and clinked together in short chimes as she inclines her head to look up at Lancelot, long hair weaving and bouncing in the wind. Lancelot's helm is removed, which allows the royal wizard to see deep into his eyes. Where she can find the burning embers of anguish, the grief coveted behind his deep red eyes. In his words is the heavy coat of guilt, "You did all that you could, and even more, to allow us to remain selfishly happy. We are both grateful to please. For our sakes, do not think you are to blame for things meant to be."

No amount of words in the world could ever express her gratitude and relief at the ebony hedgehog's words of forgiveness and thanks. "Thank you." The knight only nods in response before he too gazes up longingly to the skies. Waiting desperately and knowing that his wish will not come true. That his heartache will not lessen or leave. Merlina stares at the sky again as well while she voices her thoughts, "Knowing him...Sir Sonic loves you with all his heart just as you do as well...Sonic would never wish for you to live with your pain and guilt. I know he'll come back, be it on his own will or fates. He will."

. . .

Sonic's eyes are heavy, the desire to fall into sleep continuously taking over again and again. Exhaustion is heavy within his body, already he could vaguely feel the aching and bruises upon his body, plus he can feel the lack of thrumming chaos energy inside. The very feel of his bed pressing against him only lulling him back to his drifting slumber.

Or... He would rest. If it was not for the rapid race in his heart.

From an unknown worry that follows him even in unconsciousness.

Fear is the alarm dragging him out of his weary slumber. It grips onto him, never letting go as this fear keeps calling his name. The bells of fear ringing loudly, clearer than a sky without clouds.

It is ringing, echoing deep into his head and Sonic's mind jolts him awake almost faster than he can run. His senses return to him in an instant, and he notices that wherever he is this time, it's definitely softer on his body than the cold hard floors from earlier.

His senses return to him, little at a time.

Warmth clings to him, wrapping him in the soft cushiness of some sort of furniture - a bed most likely. Then his eyes blink open. His memories come to him like static, they were unclear for him to distinguish and could only be described as a jumbled mess of images and sounds recurring in his head.

His fingers tighten and Sonic can feel Lance's hand intertwined in his own, making him sit up with a dizzy, spinning head. His action results in a sudden headache and he almost passes out. Whatever he's done, he can tell it's taken a toll on his body and mind. After a moment of rubbing at his temples to sooth the aching headache, the blurry sight of Lancelot comes into vision and Sonic forgets about the pain in an instant. His eyes only on his love's silhouette as Lance sits at the side of his bed.

(Distantly he thinks that maybe he's fallen severely ill with a fever, yet he can't bring himself to ponder more on his whereabouts and messed up memories.)


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