𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 [ᴋᴛʜ ᴘᴏᴠ]

420 16 17

I stormed out of the house I once used to call home. My blood left a burning sensation as it rushed through my veins, boiling. I should have known to never try to give something as stupid as love into my life. It's such a destructive feeling, always better to avoid it since it can build you and then break you apart in the most painful way.

Foolish, that's what I am. Thinking that such an amazing man as Yoongi would ever leave his two boyfriends for me. I know I was never worth it, but what did I do? I left my self in the shadows, trying to think positive. He could have at least told me, it wasn't necessary to see him, Hoseok, and Jimin making out in our bed.

That wasn't even what made me mad, it was the fact that my eyes instantly watered at the sight. The crystalline substance making its way down my tan skin. He doesn't deserve my tears, but my broken heart couldn't help but scream for help as it was torn apart, manifesting itself as the water making me appear even more vulnerable. That was after I had left since they didn't deserve to see me like that.

"Ha, you thought he would leave the US for someone as useless and stupid as you? Good one kid, just go away." Jimin cackled, nudging at Hoseok just to see me cry. They both smirked as Yoongi looked down.

"Never thought you would go down that low, sleeping with my boyfriend? Can't you just take the fact that he left you and Hoseok for me? Ugh, disgusting." I snarked back, shutting both of them up. Making sure my deep voice was composed and bold, showing that I wasn't affected before running outside and letting myself fall apart in the cold.

I was wearing a thin jacket, only coming back from work. My first thought was going to the restaurant Jungkook and I used to go when we dated for those amazing 5 years. He broke up with me because he was moving to Australia for school. Me, being my stupid self decided to stop the contact since I wanted to move on.

I got to the beautiful restaurant quickly, Stigma. I was welcomed with the delicious smell of dinner, the lights decorating the ceiling as captivating as I remembered them. This place was always my first thought to calm down, sitting down at the seat Jungkook and I used to sit at. There was rarely anyone there since it was in the very back. Keeping us safe from the eyes of strangers, making sure our love was shown to each other only. The passion in our eyes, the way our heart fluttered every time there was eye contact. Just remembering what we had was enough to make my eyes water. I just need someone to love me. So much I can give, but nobody wants it.

I was so close to the table that held amazing and regretful memories, our relationship both started and ended on this table. It seemed right. Now looking back, I should have fought for us. Without lying, there was nothing in Korea for me. Nothing was holding me back from moving to Australia, I was naive. Maybe relationships weren't for me, Yoongi and I have been dating for like five months.

Without looking, because I knew there was nobody there, I plopped down on my side of the table and let the table soak up my tears. Not the first time it's happened, not the last it will either. I never dare sit at Jungkook's side, he always fought for that side, saying the lighting made my face look even more perfect. Our pictures are still in my camera roll. Overwhelming thoughts swirling like a snowstorm inside my head, making everything a shade of white that prevented me from seeing anything else. Prevented me from feeling anything other than the sadness governing my chest.

I flinched a lot when there were arms on the left side of my bad. Familiar but vague, as if they had held me before but the memory was fading away. Namjoon? Yeah, it's probably him. As I said, it's not the first time I had come here in my times of despair, he had been there for me several times before. A father I never had, is the first thought that comes to mind.

Humming, and insanely familiar tune, but again vague. The memory was fading away from my conscience, but not enough for me not to recognize who always hummed that catchy and annoying song I grew to hate because every time I heard it, I was reminded of him. Everything came back to him so suddenly, it was so clear. Smell, arms, the shape of the face that was buried in his soft, messy hair. But what seemed to stick out a lot was the familiar sniffles coming from the stranger. As much as I want to look up, my body won't obey the orders I'm giving it. The sadness is gone and is now replaced with a hurricane of shock and fear. My heart started racing more, the pieces coming back to place into the void. Just the contact was enough for my frail heart to somewhat stay together. No doubt, I'm in love. I never stopped being in love, the thought of having to move on was the only thing keeping me from seeing that my heart still belonged to him. He had taken it all the way and left me a bad copy that was ready to shatter if touched by anyone but him. Yeah, it's obvious. He's here now, so is my heart, that's why I feel like this.

The silence was the only thing present, but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward like the ones Yoongi and I shared sometimes. Natural, that's what it felt like. Nothing weird, just us holding each other again. Am I giving him his heart back, too? Was I holding it this whole time? Does he want it back?

(3rd person pov)

Namjoon just watched from afar. He saw Taehyung walk in like this, a crack in his fake heart. He also knew Jungkook was back. Jin and himself had been planning this for quite a long time, the surprise was supposed to be happy, except the youngest didn't know the love of his life had moved on already.

He just stared at the opposite side of the table, wondering if his ex-lover had come since their farewell. His heart was also fake, he had left it here not wanting to. Fragile, like Taehyung's. Jungkook was shocked and scared when he saw a very familiar body tumble into the table they had shared many times, not even noticing the youngest. Jungkook watched Taehyung for a little before he noticed that he was crying. In general, the older wasn't as loud as he was when younger, he matured. At first, he thought the latter was drunk and just came for no reason.. but the shaking of his body told him otherwise, the way his broad shoulder hunched every time he took a breath and the way that one came out laboured was an obvious sign that he was sobbing.

Grabbing onto a small memory of what they did in times when the other was hurting, was just wrap their arms around each other. To anybody else, that would be too generic and probably never worked, but the couple knew otherwise. It showed there was someone else there, with them, that would care for them and help mend whatever was broken. It always worked out in the end, no need for struggles. Comforting words and each other's presence was more than enough. So, he did exactly. He knew it was bad, since the person he loved now loved someone else, but he would not ignore that Taehyung required someone.

The younger didn't miss how the older's tears seemed to stop. Everything was clicking back into place, they craved to see each other more than anything, even if just a small glance. Something they couldn't help, the burning love they felt for each other. What they would do to get it back. No matter what they did, their love for each other would never die. It was destined, two puzzle pieces made for each other to be placed together, helping create a beautiful image that represents their love.

"It better be you, I don't know what I'll do if it isn't. Jungkookie, baby?" The eldest was the first to speak, his deep voice dropping even more from all the crying. The shivers that it sent up Jungkook's body were inevitable. One of the things he missed the most, the nicknames and his voice calling his name. Always bringing comfort to his body, that had now grown to seem more mature.

"Here, babe. I'm right here." He whispered back. Again, natural. Like there wasn't a long time when they parted ways, thinking it was for the best. It just left them both broken. Taehyung felt the same sudden wave of comfort wash over him, taking him into the land of love again. A place he held only for Jungkook. His voice, a tad deeper than before but never even close to Taehyung's.

"There is a lot to talk about, but not right now. I was just cheated on, only to realize the only person I need is you. Just throwing that out there, darling." Taehyung expressed sincerely, knowing he had made the younger embarrassed with both the confession and the name. He didn't need Yoongi and his two salty boyfriends, he needed Jungkook. Forever and always.

"Sweetheart, of course, we do. Just not know. Plus, whoever cheated on you was as stupid as me for leaving you. My biggest mistake." Jungkook answered with the same sincerity dripping from his voice. He didn't realize anything since he had always known he belonged with the man that had already wrapped his arms around his waist. His hands going up from his torso to his neck. Hiding from the world, just like they used to. Taehyung's baby had found his way back to one of his favourite places, right under the jaw, by the adam's apple.

"This time there is no way you can leave me." And without letting him respond, which was a thing Taehyung always used on his baby when he wanted him to listen quickly, making sure to seal it with a kiss. Which is exactly what he did.

JIn had shed a couple of stray tears that gathered in his beautiful eyes as he saw the reunion. There was not a single doubt that the two men belonged together since they met, it was obvious to everyone but them. Who at first denied their feelings for each other, afraid of feeling like others. It was undeniable love, a blind man could see it.

The talk was necessary, and everything was amazing after it. As good as a silver band that later turned into three lined diamonds with each other's names engraved on them forever. Graves next to each other.

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