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It was an average battle between the Star Sanses and Nightmare's gang. That is, until one of the Star Sanses used a new weapon, one that Nightmare and his gang weren't prepared for.

We were fighting in a Dancetale-themed A.U and, while we were fighting our best, we were out numbered six to three. I quickly painted a shield made of black ink around me and my teammates, so the enemy couldn't see us, and told them the plan.
"Alright. I have a plan. It might buy us some more time to escape, since if we stay here, they'll slaughter us."
I pulled a vial out of my pocket. It was small and filled with a clear liquid with rainbow-colored bubbles floating inside. Blue's eyelights turned into stars as Dream stared at it, trying to figure out what it was.
Blueberry asked me.
"Sci gave it to me. I asked him for something I could throw at them and slow them down with. I don't know what it does, or how long it will last, but it's worth a shot, right?"
Silence. Well, sorta. We could hear them outside of my shield, trying all of their attacks to get in. I could see my shield start to crack.

It wouldn't last much longer.

"Hurry and decide. The shield won't last much longer under all of their attacks".
"I say we do it. We have to do something, and this might end up saving our lives.
"Then it's decided. When I say 'Take This!', you two duck, ok?"
Dream and Blue nodded in unison. I counted down on my fingers from five, giving them time to get ready to duck. Three, two, one. The protective walls disappeared, I screamed 'Take This!', and threw it like a frisbee, only I never let it go. The clear liquid splashed on everyone except for me, Blue and Dream, who had ducked, and Error, who was in a nearby tree.
"What the hell, man? What is this, holy water?" Dust commented with a laugh.
"Did my brother tell you that splashing us with holy water would stop us? 'Cause it won't." Nightmare said.
"MaN, i'M gLaD tHaT i'M nOt DoWn tHeRe. I hAtE gEtInG wEt."
"Ewwww, gross, it's in my sockets." Killer complained.
"Well, thanks for washing some of the blood and dust off of my ax. Now, I can have fun painting it red all over again!"
Horror said with glee.
"Good thing I wear all black and white. Oh wait, it's water, so, it doesn't matter."
Uh-oh. It didn't work. Now what? I started to panic. It must have shown on my face, because Error jumped out of the tree, landing right in front of me, and laughed.
"WhAt'S wRoNg, InKy? YoU lOoK lIkE yOu'Ve sEeN a GhOsT. wAs ThAt YoUr FiNaL sTrATeGy? ToUgH lUcK, pAl, bUt It DiD'nT wO-" Error was cut off by Blue shouting:
The three skeletons looked over to where Blue was looking, and were shocked at what they saw.
Everyone who had been hit with the mysterious liquid was... changing. Nightmare stared at his hands in horror as the black goop that made up his body, and never stained anything, dripped off of his hands, staining the snow pitch black. Killer raised his hands to his head and screamed.
"What is this stuff? It-it burns!  Someone make it stop!"
"Nightmare!" Dream cried as he ran to his fallen brother's side, the black goop staining the snow under them and Dream's gloves as he tried to help his brother up. Dust was leaning against a tree, holding his nonexistent stomach and groaning in pain. Blue ran to his ex's side, asking him if he was ok and apologizing over and over. I watched as Cross fell into the snow. It looked like he was having a seizure, but I could see his clothes getting smaller. They were suffocating him. Error ran over, trying to get them off of Cross before he passed out from lack of oxygen. And Horror... he was in agonizing pain. Everyone could hear bones crushing, and as I watched, I could tell Horror was the source of the noise. He let out a bone chilling scream before the pain caused him to black out.
"What have I done?..."
I opened a portal and called for my teammates. Blue had laid Dust in the snow, covering his 'stomach' with it, like he had asked. When he looked up, he acknowledged the sound of bones being crushed, looked in the direction it was coming from, and turned green at the sight. So, when I called his name a second time, he gave Dust a quick kiss on the forehead, and ran through the portal, feeling sick. Dream was trying his best to help Nightmare, who was losing more and more of that black goop. He heard his name be called three times and ignored it, and was going to keep on ignoring it, when Error yelled.
"gEt OuT oF hErE, sTaR sAnSeS! bEfOrE i KilL yOu!"
I ran over and grabbed Dream's arm.
"Come on, we've gotta go!"
"No! I'm gonna help my brother!"
Error walked over and pushed Dream away from Nightmare, who was shivering and burning at the same time.
"YoU'vE dOnE eNoUgH. gO, lEaVe ThE pAiN aNd SuFfErInG yOu'Ve CaUsEd."
I pulled Dream's arm one more time, and this time, Dream got up, the two of us going through the portal. And the last thing I heard before the portal closed behind me was Error's voice: "AnD tHeY cAlL uS tHe BaD gUyS."

[A/N: 959 words, not counting this. Thanks for reading this far! What do you think so far? What do you think will happen next? Comment! Also, I might have some ships in this, along with mentions. If you like, comment! If not, also comment! All feedback is good feedback (except for haters and spam).]

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