Chapter 3

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[Trigger warning: none. Speech time! Reaper, Cross, AnD eRrOr. Enjoy!]

Error quickly learned that it was a bad idea to have a baby sleep right next to his head when Nightmare started kicking him in the head. Absolutely done, Error went downstairs, only to find out that it was 4:20 am. Knowing that he wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon, he made himself some coffee, then texted Reaper.

{HeY, rEaPeR, u AwAkE?}

{Of course. What God of death isn't awake? What's up?}

{gEt YoUr AsS oVeR hErE rIgHt NoW. i HaVe CoFfEe. BrInG bAbY sTuFf AnD tOdDlEr StUfF.}

{Omw. I like my coffee black, like my soul.}


Error made some black coffee and waited for Death to appear. Not two minutes after Error had finished the coffee, Reaper showed up, in the middle of the fucking room carrying a bunch of bags and a backpack, almost giving Error a heart attack.

"JeSuS fUcK, wHy ArE yOu TrYiNg To ScArE mE?!?"

Reaper got a good laugh from that.

"So, what do you want all this baby stuff for?"

"yOu'Ll FiNd OuT lAtEr WhEn...ThEy WakE uP."

"Ok. Why are you awake anyways?"

"a CeRTaIn SoMeOnE kIcKeD mE iN tHe HeAd... NoW i HaVe A hEaDaChE."

"Huh... who did you sleep with last night? Was it Nightmare?"

"i DiDn'T sLeEp WiTh HiM! hE wAs, AnD sTIlL iS, iN mY bEd- WaIt, WhErE aRe YoU- nO dOn'T wAkE hIm Up!"

Reaper had dropped the bags and headed upstairs to Error's room (it was easy to tell it was Error's cause he'd left the door open) to go pester Nightmare. When Error realized what Reaper was going to do, he ran after him. But, of course, he was too slow. Reaper walked over to the-now-awake Nightmare and picked him up, before looking over to Error.

"So this is why you wanted the baby stuff. Are the others...?"

"YeAh. NiGhT aNd HoRrOr ArE uNdEr A yEaR, dUsT iS sIx, CrOsS iS eIgHt, AnD kIlLeR iS fOuR."

"How? What happened?"

Error quickly explained the battle to Reaper, including the pained reactions of the gang once it started taking effect. It seemed to freak Nightmare out though, because he started crying, making Reaper freak out.

"Shit, what do I do!?"

"jUsT gIvE hIm HeRe."

Reaper gladly did so, not knowing what else to do.

"ShH, sHh, It'S oK. i'M hErE. yOu'Re SaFe."

Reaper simply watched in silence, shocked that Error could be so... kind, and good with kids too.... he was wifey material. Nightmare stopped crying, looking up at Error with a smile, then noticed Reaper. The two looked at each other for a few minutes, before Nightmare gave a happy giggle, reaching out for him.

"HuH, hE lIkEs YoU, i ThiNk. WaNnA hOlD hIm?"

"Yes! Um, are you sure?"

"JuSt TaKe HiM! hE's FiNe WiTh It."
Error replied, gently shoving him into Reaper's arms. Nightmare looked up at him with a cute smile, reaching towards him.

"SeE? i ToLd YoU tHaT hE lIkEd YoU."
Error said as Reaper's heart melted from cuteness. He had never seen the appeal of having kids before, but now... he might consider it, if he ever finds someone. Error awkwardly cleared his nonexistent throat, getting both skeleton's attention.

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