Chapter 1

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Error's POV

They left. Finally. I looked around at my... I guess 'friends'. Dust had passed out, half buried under snow, Horror had blacked out from pain, Killer had found relief from the burning sensation in his skull by putting snow in his sockets, and Nightmare... losing goop fast. If you're worried about Cross, I tore his shirt open, so he won't suffocate. Nightmare was my main concern. I'm pretty sure that the goop he's covered in keeps him warm. He was hot to the touch, yet he was shivering. He opened his sockets and looked up at me.
"Error?.. What.. I'm so cold..."
The black goop had almost completely melted off of him, revealing a pale white skeleton underneath. His passive form. I wiped the goop from his face, uncovering his other socket, which was a beautiful deep purple. His tentacles laid limp at his body's side, like the life had been sucked out of them. I saw a small skeletal hand reach out to me. I grab it, gently pull, and all the goop dissolved, absorbed into the snow. I'm left cradling a baby. A skeleton baby, to be exact. He looked maybe a few months old, and I would have left him there, if I hadn't looked him in the sockets. He stared up at me with big, curious sockets, his eyelights a deep purple. I was in shock.
"nIgHt...NiGhTmArE? iS tHaT yOu?"
The baby smiled at me, laughing.
"I'lL tAkE tHaT aS a YeS."
I quickly took off my scarf and wrapped him up in it, so he wouldn't freeze, and looked around again. Where Horror had blacked out laid another skeleton baby, this one maybe a year old, asleep. I picked him up too, wrapping him up with the other one.
"I'm c-cold."
A small voice said, near where Dust had been half buried in the snow. When I went to investigate, I found a skeleton boy, maybe five or six years old, in the snow. I pulled him out, to see his shirt had not shrunk with him, and was hanging off of him, hiding his feet from view.
"dUsT, iS tHaT yOu?"
He cried, as he tried to hug me, but I held him an arms length away from me, and put him with the babies.
"StAy HeRe."
I then heard crying. I ran over to find another skeleton child, this one around three, calling for his 'mommy'.
He heard me walking over and spun around to face me.
"Do I lOoK lIkE yOuR dAdDy?"
He shrugged, still crying.
"I d-don't know. I've never se-seen him before."
I gave a sigh.
"CoMe On."
I grabbed his arm, and was about to walk him over to the others, when I felt something tugging on my sleeve. I look to see another skeleton child, with a red scar under a red-eyelighted socket, looking up at me. He looked to be about eight or nine years old.
"Can you take me too? I don't want to be here alone."
"I'm GoOnA hAvE tO."
The skele-boy smiled.
"I'm gonna follow you then, cause you look strong. You can protect me."
He then noticed Killer and gave a friendly wave. The two followed me to where I had left the other three, who had stayed put, thank Asgorõ. I put my hands on my hips, looking over the group of kids.
"oK, wHo'S wHo?"
"My name is Cross."
"My name's Killer! Nice to meet you, mister... Error signs!"
"Hi... I'm Dust .."
"Orror! Orror!"
I'm pretty sure that he was trying to say 'Horror', but couldn't say the 'H'.
"ThAt MeAnS tHaT yOu ArE nIgHtMaRe." I claimed, picking up the smallest baby, who laughed.
"Ok, NoW wHaT tO dO wItH yOu."
I thought about it. I could take them back to their respectful A.Us, but Horror was the only one who had an A.U to go back to who's residents hadn't been killed. Even so, Horrortale was no place for a baby, he'd be dead before Saturday. And I'd have to explain to his brother that Horror had been turned into a baby. There was no way I was telling the Star Sanses, either. No, I had to keep them far away from my baby-fied teammates. I had only one option...
"I gUeSs I'lL tAkE cArE oF yOu MySeLf. ThErE's NoWhErE eLsE fOr YoU gUyS tO gO..."
I picked up Horror in one arm and held Nightmare in the other.
"eVeRyOnE, hOlD oN tO mE, uNlEsS yOu WaNt To GeT lEfT hErE." I instructed. Dust, Cross, and Killer grabbed onto my sleeves immediately.
"wElP, tHaT wOrKs ToO."
And I teleport us all away to Nightmare's castle, since the Anti-Void is the perfect place to lose a child, which I was not letting happen. These five were the closest to a family I had, and I was not going to lose more people I loved because of my ignorance. Not again.

[A/N: 837 words, not counting this. Thanks for sticking around! If you like, follow and comment! If not, still comment! Criticism is a great way for me to improve. Peace out!]

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