Chapter 2

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Error's POV

I teleported all of us to Nightmare's castle. I quickly conducted a headcount, because sometimes, if I'm tired or teleporting a large group, someone will get left behind. Six, including me. Good. I put Nightmare and Horror down on the couch. I looked to the other three, who were looking around in awe. The place is massive, and being small makes it look even bigger. The walls are an off-shade of white, because pure white would mean everyone would be blinded whenever a light was turned on. The furniture varied in color, from black, to blood-red, to pink, because we'd stolen it from various different A.Us. I snapped to get their attention, then gestured to the couch.
They scrambled onto the couch, the movement making Nightmare and Horror bounce slightly. They both giggled, something I thought I'd never heard from either of them. I put my hands on my hips and scanned the group.
"AlRiGhT. dO aNy Of YoU kNoW yOuR aGe?"
I asked them. This would most likely be important, since if they're old enough, I can have someone else like Blue watch them. Killer answered first, surprisingly optimistic.
"I'm four!"
"I'm eight."
"I'm six."
I looked at Nightmare and Horror, who looked too young to know how old they were. It wasn't a problem though, because they both looked under a year old.
"Ok, NeXt QuEsTiOn. Do YoU kNoW wHo I aM?"
Dust nodded. Horror started grabbing out for me.
"Yeah, you're Error."
"Rror! Rror!" Huh. So he's too young to say my name. Or his own, for that matter. Cross thought for a moment, then shook his head. Killer looked at me.
"Nope! I don't recognize you from anywhere. Sorry mister Error!"
I gave a sigh.
"iT's FiNe. AnD cAlL mE eRrOr. NoW, i WoUlD eXpLaIn WhAt'S hApPeNeD tO YoU gUyS, bUt I'm NoT qUiTe SuRe MySeLf. So, FoR nOw, YoU gUyS wIlL sTaY hErE, wItH mE. i WiLl TrY mY bEsT tO tAkE cArE oF yOu GuYs BuT i DoN't KnOw WhAt I'm DoInG, sO iF i GeT sOmEtHiNg WrOnG, jUsT kNoW i DiDn'T mEaN tO. aNy QuEsTiOnS?."
"I'm hungry. You got any food?"
"I'm hungry too."
Soon, they were all saying that they were hungry. I walked over to the fridge and looked inside. I wondered if they would eat leftovers.
"wE hAvE lEfToVeRs, Is ThAt Ok?"
I got so many 'yes'es and 'yeah's that I felt kinda dumb for asking. I quickly grabbed the container, which had the leftovers from last night, which was spaghetti night, in it, and started dividing it up, putting it on plates and warming it up in the microwave. I had just finished microwaving everything when I heard crying. I ran back into the living room to see Nightmare, crying his nonexistent eyes out. I quickly picked him up and started rocking him, since that's what they did in the movies.
"NiGhTmArE, wHaT's WrOnG?" I asked him. He looked up at me, stopped crying, and smiled at me.
"yOu DoN't WaNt Me To LeAvE yOu AlOnE, iS tHaT iT?"
He nodded. Great. Hadn't even been an hour, and he was already attached. Wouldn't be long before the others got attached to me too. I sighed again and carried him into the kitchen with me, knowing he'd start screaming again if I left him. I put each plate at a place on the table we had in the kitchen, then called them in.
"cOmE eAt!"
I heard a mini-stampede as they ran in, fighting for seats. Horror was last into the room, since he was so small compared to the others, so he had last pick. I sat at the head of the table, Nightmare in my lap (I'd have to get him a high-chair), since he was too small for the chairs. Everyone had forks laying next to their plates, and I realized that I would probably have to feed Nightmare by hand, since he probably didn't have hand-eye coordination yet. Dinner went surprisingly well. Getting them to go to bed was a completely different story. Cross was the easiest. He asked me where his room was, I told him, and he went upstairs. I checked on him about ten minutes later, to find him fast asleep on the bed. Horror, Dust, and Killer keep chasing each other around, playing tag. After trying just about everything, from bribery to joining in to catch them to get them to stop, I simply yelled at the top of my nonexistent lungs:
"StOP RuNNinG arOUNd aND gO tO BeD!"
They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me for a second. Dust and Killer ran upstairs to different rooms, while Horror just stood there, shocked. Then he started crying. I immediately realized my mistake. I ran over and hugged him while rubbing the back of his skull.
"sHh, ShH, iT's AlRiGhT. i DiDn'T mEaN tO sCaRe YoU. pLeAsE sToP cRyInG."
He eventually calmed down, his cries turning into sobs. I picked him up and carried him to his old room. I laid him down on the bed, putting the covers over him.
"nIgHt, BuDdY."
"Ight, rror."
I chuckled. He'd get it one day. I cut off the light and shut the door quietly behind me. Then I heard a whimper. Nightmare. I raced downstairs to find him still on the couch, about to cry. I quickly picked him up.
"hEy, I'm RiGhT hErE. dOn'T cRy."
He quickly calmed down, giving me a small yawn. I simply walked around for a bit to get him to sleep. Then I went to my room. I sat in the bed, laying him down on an old pillow on the corner of the bed that was next to my head. I pulled out my phone and texted my 'friend', Reaper.

[A/N: Error's texts will look like ThIs. Reaper's will look like this. Everything Reaper says will be lowercase, unless he's yelling.]

{HeY, rEaPeR, u ThErE?}
{yeah, what's up?}
{dO u KnOw WhErE i CaN gEt SoMe BaBy StUfF?}
{why? you don't have kids.}
{lOnG sToRy, IlL tElL yOu ToMoRrOw. So, Do YoU?}
{yeah. i'll tell you tomorrow. i might stop by.}
{gOoD, dO tHaT. tHaT'lL mAkE eXpLaInInG a BiT eAsIeR. sEe YoU tOmOrRoW.}
{see you then.}

Error cut off his phone, put it on the charger, and carefully laid down. Thoughts were rushing through his head. "What am I doing? I can't look after five kids!" "What if Reaper takes them away?" "Where would they end up?" "What if they get hurt?" "What if one of them dusts?" "What if-"
He shook his head, trying to get those poisonous thoughts out of his head. He eventually fell asleep, knowing that it would probably be the last peaceful night for a while.

[A:N: 1139 words! WOW! Hope you enjoyed! What do you think Reaper will do when he sees the gang baby-fied? QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS! Find out next time on 'Error and the Brats'! Thinking of renaming this. What do you think I should call it? Comment your suggestions! And please, be serious. Peace out! ✌️]

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