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The police start yelling.

"Turn off the freaking music!" Katherine screams, struggling to hear them. A gunshot rings out, then people really start to scream. The crowd surges forward and someone rams into Katherine, knocking her stomach-flat against the ground. As soon as she gets up on her knees, a heel steps on the back of her head, crushing her nose against the floor. Another shoe steps on her shoulder, another on her hand.

Katherine curls into a ball, throwing her hands over her head. She's back in the dark, staring into his empty eyes. Hands are around her throat, choking her, drawing blood. She can't fight, she can barely even move. The light dwindles, each hit becoming more distant. An iron taste fills her mouth.

Katherine's eyes snap open. She catches the next foot and shoves it away. Gasping, she gets to her knees, then someone grabs her elbow, helping her the rest of the way up. Katherine jerks her arm away and staggers through the crowd, searching for an exit. "Hey! Vampire girl!"

Katherine turns in the direction of the shout, coming face to face with Jam and the old man. They're crouched underneath one of the tables, half hidden in the shadows. Katherine takes the hand Jam offers, letting him pull her under the table.

"What's the plan?" Katherine says.

"We've got a key to the backdoor," the old man says. "All you need to do is- hey! Sweetheart!"

A woman in a low-cut red dress is on her knees, crawling to join them under the table. The old man lifts back his jacket, flashing his hand gun. "Scram."

Katherine swallows, watching the woman retreat. "What do you need me to do?"

"Keep people from trampling us or blocking our path in the chaos."

Katherine glances up. Since their talk, the dance floor has cooled down. The police have a few people in handcuffs, but most of the group has been herded into the middle of the room. "What chaos?"

With a wry grin, the blood dealer reaches into his jacket and pulls out a gun of his own, then fires the gun at the ceiling.

"You-" Katherine splutters. "I was trampled the first time you did that!"

"Don't hate the player, baby."

"I just gagged in my mouth a little bit."

"As much as I love the banter," the old man says. "Why don't we escape first?"

Katherine turns to the dance floor only to pause, her lips curling into a grin. "I need my strength up if I'm going to get us through." She pointedly eyes Jam.

Jam scowls. "Then pay."

"I'm saving your life!"

"You think I haven't been to jail before?"

"Jam," the old man snaps, "you moron, give her the blood."

Katherine catches the bad of blood- clean, human blood. It's a richer, deeper red. Something just felt right by the way the-

"I only have so many bullets," Jam snaps. Katherine opens the bag. "If this is your first time, just take a sip," the old man says. "You don't want to overwhelm yourself. Think of it like going from brownies to shots of heroin."

Katherine sticks a finger in the bag and brings it to her mouth. Her eyes light up.

With the old man pointing the way, Katherine pushes through the crowd to a door in the back.

"Jam," the old man says, "the key."

"Right away."

Katherine has just enough time to cover her ears before Jam fires at the lock.

The cool, quiet night hits her like a warm shower. She breathes in the fresh air, combing back her hair and trying to catch her breath. A screech pierces through the quiet. The old man and Jam are dragging a trash can to the doors, wedging them shut.

"So much for honor among thieves," Katherine mutters.

Jam swivels around. "I think the words you're looking for are 'thank' and 'you'."

"Yeah, I've got some choice words for you."

"Alright," the old man says. "Lets go before the cops see us."

"The cops," Katherine repeats, her eyes widening.

Jam stares at her like she's the idiot. "Who do you think stormed the club?"

Katherine throws her arms in the air. "Why would you bring them here?"

"I didn't! I was giving everyone a warning!"

"Great timing, Jam. You really saved everyone."

"At least I wasn't getting trampled like a bitch!"

"At least I wasn't hiding under a table! Like a bitch!"

"Come or get caught by the police," the old man grumbles, "I don't give a shit." As he walks away, under his breath he says, "kids."

Katherine and Jam exchange one last glare before following the old man.

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