Chapter Twenty-eight

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Katherine runs down the stairs to find Helena by the door. "There's a boy here that wants to see you. Says he's a friend from school," she says. Helena catches Katherine's shoulder when she moves past. "Be very careful with what you do next."

Katherine presses the button on the buzzer. "Hello?"

"It's Ethan."

"Ethan, my aunt is here."

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important."

"Well, I'm sorry, but I can't."

"You don't understand. We're running out of time to do the school project. The jam is about to expire because it's been left in the dark too long."

"Look, my aunt knows I don't go to school. I really have to go."

"Darcus is going to kill my brother if you don't meet him in the next twenty four minutes!"

"Excuse me?" Helena burts out. Katherine moves to the door. "If you leave, then don't bother coming-" Katherine slams the door, running down the steps. Ethan exhales when he sees her. "Katherine, thank God. I-"

Katherine shoves him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Ethan grabs Katherine's hand, pulling her forward. "I'll explain in the car."

Ethan speeds down the street, going twenty miles past the speeding limit. "So my cousin, he-"

"Wait, you just called him your cousin."

"He is my cousin."

"Earlier you said he was your brother."

"Er, considering how you and Fallenchesca are, I didn't think you'd come if I said he was my cousin."

Katherine stares at him, her face twisting in disbelief.

"It's for a worthy cause! You're saving his life. My cousin, Jam-"

"Jam? Jam like the blood dealer?"

"Yes and he was sent to kill Darcus because he blew the whistle on my great uncle's blood dealing business."

Katherine closes her eyes, rubbing her forehead.

"And he's dragging you into this because Jam is wearing your hoodie, and Darcus probably assumed you were in danger." Ethan jerks the car to a stop in front of an alleyway. "Honestly, I didn't think he would care enough about you to- Katherine, wait!"

She jumps out of the car, running down the alley to see Darko with a gun pressed a gun against Jam's forehead.

"Katherine," Darko says, standing up. She strides forward and takes a swing at him. He catches her punch with his free hand, throwing him off balance. "Could you not-" Jam throws himself at Darko's legs, sending them crashing to the floor.

Jam grabs Darko's arm, trying to pin him down, but Darko jerks away from his grip, twisting around. Right as Darko gets the gun level with Jam's face, Katherine yanks the gun out of his hand.

Ethan touches her shoulder. Katherine flinches and whips around, pointing the gun at Ethan. "How long have you been using me? Since the moment we meet?"

"I figured out who you were yesterday. Jam spotted you at the club and told me the day after. He wanted to kill you, but I convinced him to go after Darko instead. I never lied to you-"

"About that. You gave me so much crap about not telling you who I am, but you're the one with a double life." Her voice breaks. "This is what I'm getting kicked out of my aunt's house for?"

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