Chapter 17: We'll Do This Together

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The coldness gripped his heart and his eyes burned from tears as the memories played over and over in his head. Larimar. Nephrite. Biggs. All of their gems, poofed after being forced to live through feeling corruption again.

Snowflake. Yellow. White. Bismuth. All poofed at his inability to control himself.

Pearl. Lapis. Nearly shattered because he couldn't recognize her through his anger.

He could hardly breathe and the world behind his closed eyes began to spin as he floated in the darkness. His stomach cramped and lurched as he struggled to draw in air. Air that wasn't there.

His eyes shot open. Water. He was in water. Panicked, he flipped over and forced himself upwards, towards the light above him. He broke the surface, gasping for air and coughing. His entire body ached, his vision was blurred and he was barely able to stay afloat.

Where was he?

He felt something support him from beneath and it lifted him slightly so he was on submerged by an inch or so of water. He fell forward onto his hands and knees, unable to stand as he tried to catch his breath.


He wiped his hand across his face, trying to compose himself. He looked down and saw a giant white hand keeping him afloat. His right hand was his normal skin tone. His left hand a large pink spot on it.

He raised it, ignoring how it shook and turned his arm over, following the discoloration around his forearm. His heart pounded against his ribcage as he looked at his other arm, his feet, chest; anywhere he could see. Most of it was normal, though some scars remained. His hand went through his hair and down his face.

Thank god, he thought, letting it fall. At least he didn't still have horns.

"Steven?" He jumped, having forgotten about the call, and looked over. The Diamonds were smiling gently down at him. He started to talk, but White shushed him.

"I get it now," she said, soothingly. "You don't need to apologize to me."

Blue and Yellow nodded down to him. "Or me," Yellow said. "In fact, I'm impressed you managed to get the better of me. It's been a few millennia since I've had to reform."

"I..." Steven said, his voice raspy.

"Apology accepted," Blue spoke over him, smiling. "We're just happy to have you back. As are they." Blue pointed behind them and Steven noticeably braced himself before he turned to face his friends.

"Steven!" Greg shouted. In an instant, his dad was splashing into the fountain and climbed onto White's hand. He embraced him tightly. "Welcome back, bud," he whispered, voice shaking.

Was he back? Steven wondered, eyes falling to his gem. Or was that part of him just waiting to burst forth once he fought off the rejuvenator's effect?

Greg pulled back and held his son at arm's length, noticing his lack of response.

"Hey," he said. Steven looked up at him, his fear written all over his face. "No one blames you," Greg said. White moved her hand over to the edge of the fountain and let the other gems move closer to the two.

"Steven," Garnet said, stepping forward. "How did this happen?"

He didn't want to talk. He turned away from her, not looking at any of them. They wouldn't understand. And if he opened up, would it happen again? Would he lose control of himself? Would he hurt them?

"Steven," Connie pushed past Garnet and knelt next to him. She took his hand, an action that made a tear roll down Steven's cheek. He moved to wipe it away quickly and took another breath. "Hey," she said, using her other hand to gently turn his face toward hers. "It's okay," she whispered. "You can talk to us."

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