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I exit my house as fast as possible, and bump with the owner of our rival restaurant, in other words, Momo's father...

-M. Dad: What are you doing here?!
-Jun: I want to help, where's Momo?
-M. Dad: I think that she's still at the first floor and she can't leave... I already called the police...
-Jun: We need to take her outside, if she inhales the smoke she'll have serious problems... Where's Ms. Hirai?!
-M. Dad: I took her outside the building, but she's unconscious, I still need to pour water and try to stop the fire...
-Jun: There's no time!

I then get inside the building on fire, and try to get to the first floor... At first, it is easy, but once I arrive where Momo is, I find her unconscious...

How can her dad leave her here like this?! I think that he saved his wife first and now was hoping for the firefighters to be here...

-Jun: Momo!

I then take her and give her piggyback, now I need to exit the building... I exit the room where Momo was, but the fire is already blocking the stairs...

What do I do? What do I do? I need to leave... This smoke will kill us... Where are the firefighters?! Damn it!

There's only a way to leave this building... The window... I open it and look down where Momo's dad is panicking...

-Jun: Mr. Hirai! Please grab Momo, she's unconscious...
-M. Dad: Yeah, I'll grab her...

I then take the girl on my arms and try to make sure that his dad will take her before she touches the ground... Now, the problem is... How am I supposed to leave?

-Sana: Nii-chan! (worried)-Jun: Don't worry Sana

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-Sana: Nii-chan! (worried)
-Jun: Don't worry Sana... (smiles) I'll leave now...

I look down, take a big deep breath, and then I just jump through the window... I try to land as good as possible, but I notice how something cracks on my leg...

-Jun: Agh! (groans in pain)
-Sana: Nii-chan! Are you okay?! Jun... (worried)
-Jun: I can't move my left leg... (sighs) Agh, this hurts a lot... (groans)
-Dad: What's going on here?! Jun! (runs to you) What happened here?!
-Sana: Nii-chan is a hero, he got inside the building to save Momo! But he can't move his left leg... (worried)
-Dad: (glares at Momo's father) I told you plenty of times to ignore this people!

Soon after that, the ambulance and the firefighters arrive to the place and start working... The ambulance carries me and Momo to the hospital...

-Sana: Nii-chan... (worried)
-Jun: Don't worry Sana... (smiles) It just hurts a lot... (chuckles)
-Sana: Hold on a little more, we are almost at the hospital...

-Time skip some hours later-

Apparently, I broke my leg and I needed a surgery... But now I'm okay... Well, I can't walk and I'll need to use the crutches...

-Sana: Nii-chan... (worried)
-Jun: It's okay, it's okay... I just broke a leg and saved a life... Don't worry, everything worked out correctly (smiles)
-Sana: Dad is really angry, you don't know how much does he hate them... Now that you almost lose your life while saving their daughter... (sighs) I was really worried too...
-Jun: Is Momo awake?
-Sana: Yeah, she woke up an hour ago more less... (looks down) She wants to visit you...
-Jun: It's not necessary...
-Sana: You saved her life...
-Jun: I don't care, nothing changes the fact that we are still rivals (chuckles) I'll get that title... (smiles)

-Sana: I see that the accident didn't affect you that much

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-Sana: I see that the accident didn't affect you that much... And that's a relief... (smiles)
-Dad: Jun...
-Jun: Oh, hi dad... (waves)
-Dad: How are you feeling son?
-Jun: Well... I think that I won't be able to walk for a while... (chuckles)
-Dad: (sighs) Jun, Sana, I seriously want gou away from the Hirais from now on... That's why I have decided that you are gonna go abroad...
-Sana: What do you mean abroad?!
-Dad: I want you to study abroad... I think that the best way to make you learn about the spanish food is learning about it in Spain...
-Jun: I'm okay with that... (sighs)
-Sana: How can you agree with that?! You won't be able to aspire for the title then...
-Jun: But studying in Spain is a bigger opportunity... And I can become a chef there too...
-Dad: It is decided then...
-Sana: Dad, but I don't want to become a chef! I don't like cooking... Let me stay here... Plus, the Hirai will need to move because the restaurant which was also their house, is now burnt until ashes... Please, please dad, let me stay here...
-Jun: Let her stay here... But I'll take the chance to become someone you can feel proud of, dad... (smiles)
-Dad: I'm already proud of you... But today I was really lose you... (sighs) I'm glad that you are good enough to let the rivalry aside and saves their daughter, but still... The Minatozakis will never get involved with the Hirai...

So with that said, I decided along my dad, that once I'm able to walk without the crutches, I'll leave to Spain for the two years that rest for me to graduate... And there, I'll become a chef.

I wake up and find myself in a hospital room with my parents really worried looking at me... I wonder why... I try to remember, and then I realize that the building was on fire...

-Momo: The fire! What happened dad?! (worries)
-Dad: There was nothing to do... (sighs) We lost everything... We'll need to start again in another place...
-Momo: Huh?! No way!
-Mom: Dear... For now, be thankful that you are still alive... That kid... He saved you...
-Momo: Who? I don't remember leaving our building...

-Dad: Minatozaki Jun

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-Dad: Minatozaki Jun... (sighs) It feels like we have a huge debt with them now... (looks down)
-Momo: I should thank him then... Where is he?
-Mom: He broke his leg and had a surgery, he'll be using crutches for a while...

No way! Did he really risk his life in order to save mine? I thought that he hated me because we were rivals... I need to thank him probably, I own my life to him...

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