Chapter 5

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Benjamin Ching^

- - -Titus' POV- - -

"What do you mean moving?" Benjamin, my gamma, asks giving me the most stank face.

"Yea, what do you mean by moving?" Seax inputs.

"Exactly what I said. It's not safe here anymore. People are testing my ability to care for my pack. I'm not losing anymore lives." My tone made no room for negotiation. He put up his hands in surrender. "Now back to the problem, I wanna know how them damn rogues broke through fucking security."

The patrol team gulps. Mark clears his throat and speaks up. "Isabella came by and was distracting most of the team. One thing lead to another and we smelt a group of about 22 rogues go across the border." He finishes with shame and disappointment in his eyes.

My head warriors shake their heads. Brian and Benji look away with fire a-blazing in their eyes. I grip the desk until the wood protests.

"Isabella, in my office now," I growl through the pack link.

"I hope we can finally put her out," Seax says hopefully, "She makes me uncomfortable."

She walks in smelling like sex. Jeez, when does she catch a break.

"Yes Alpha?" She sways her hips toward my desk. When she passes, the rest cover their noses. Benji dumbass wants to fake barf.

"Tell me it's a coincidence that you're at the border when the rogues pass." I stare her down with a blank face. I hear her heart speed up so I know whatever she says will be a lie.

"I just wanted to talk to Jeremy and I heard he was on patrol." She fidgets on spot and it pisses me off.

I slam my hand on the desk.

"Stop lying to me and tell me the truth," my alpha voice coming to the surface. I can see my reflection and tell my eyes are white.

She shuffles her feet, then puffs out her chest and takes a deep breath.

"I was not planning with them, if that's what you're implying." Her heart can keep up with light at this point.

"Yes you fucking were!" I basically growl out now. I have to force Seax back or I'd rip her to pieces. Gasps run through the room.

"Take her to the dungeon." The head warriors grab her and make way to the door.

"W-Wait, you have to understand!" Benji closes the door in her face.

"Why didn't you exile her?" I'm questioned by Seax.

"The best punishment is public humiliation. Plus I wanna see her run," I laugh to myself.

"You dirty bastard."

Brian finally speaks up. "Time to break the news to the pack." He heads to the auditorium and Benji follows.

I stop Benji before he can leave. "I want you to find us somewhere to live. A quiet place but has room for us and plentiful resources." I get a nod and head out.

Five minutes later, I have my mom and beta on the stage. The whole pack in our abnormally large auditorium. Conversation flows through the room. I step onto the podium and the talking ceases .

"At noon, we were attacked by rogues," murmurs start up. Someone says "this has been the second time in a month!" I raise a hand. "The attack rates have increased but we have a solution. The pack is being relocated." People yell obscenities. "Let me explain," they quiet down, "I am trying to do what is best for the pack so I'd appreciate if you'd cooperate."

"However, we have gotten to the bottom of who was behind the rogue's attack. Would everyone move to the northern clearing?" They pile out.

Tristen helps my mother get down and guides her to the clearing.

"Brian, have the warriors bring Isabella to the clearing." I inform him, "Oh and let them torture the rogues until they die. You know those sadistic assholes." We split ways after a nod.

I make it to the clearing to see everything how I asked. People have confused looks as to why they're here.

I make my way to the center. "Today, your fellow pack member set us up. Isabella Taylor has broke pack law for what? Jealousy? Greed? A mate pair died together because of her actions." I say as I circle her. Her eyes never leaving mine. I hope she sees the hatred and resentment in my eyes.

"I, Titus Uriel alpha of The Suguis Pack, exile you from my pack."

"And I, Brian Hudson beta of The Suguis Pack, second this."

I feel one of the pack links break. She is officially a rogue.

She looks around at all the disgusted faces directed towards her. She turns to me with a new found determination. "I will have you and get my revenge," she smirks.

Seax suddenly takes over. "Get out of my territory, rogue," he spits. He gives me back control willingly.

The pack makes a path to the border for her. She shifts and runs through with her head down, tail between her legs. The warriors follow her to make sure she leaves.

I take back their attention. "Start packing."


I hear a knock on my office door. I take off my glasses and set the files down. "Come in"

Benji walks in and flops on the chair opposite of me. He drops a plan on my desk.

"Everything brand new. A fully furnished community of houses. Plus a huge one at the top of a hill. All surrounded by trees."

"Where?" I ask skeptical.

"2 days away in Camden, Maine."


Ooouuuuuu they're moving

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