Chapter 12

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Me this chapter^

- - -Zealand's POV- - -

All lunch I couldn't think properly. All my thoughts about him. All senses connected to him. All of me gravitating towards him.

What happened?

There was an eerie tension around Titus.

After James happened, I see him in a new light. He stuck up for me without knowing. I'd go as far as to say it warmed my heart. I don't know what it is but I feel a sudden attraction to him.

What makes it worse is that all my classes include him for the rest of the day. Kace, Cal, plus Titus and Benji are currently in class with me.

I peak up at Titus under my lashes. The teacher decided to have groups of 5 so I'm sitting in front of Titus, next to Kace.

Titus looks up from his work, as I quickly look down again. I see a small smile form on his face. I wish to see it more.

Wait. Where'd that come from...

I shake my head to rid these thought but they seem to not want to go away. Kace mouthed "are you ok?" I give a small smile though I feel that it doesn't reach my eyes. He lets it go but not without giving me the look.

I see Titus slide a note across the desk. It's for me, I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I open to a small paragraph.

I know we don't know each other like that but I'd like to change that. I can tell you feel comfortable around me, and there's nothing wrong with that. If I could get your number, I'd love to hang or talk?

Could he tell I was comfortable around him? Was it that obvious? Maybe I should come out of my shell more. I reply with:

Here's my number (211)649-3258
Don't give it out and I'd love to hangout.

I push the paper back and he opens it. I naw on my bottom lip as he looks at what I wrote. His eyes light up and he sends me a quick smile. It knocks the breath out of me from the beauty of it.

We lock eyes occasionally the rest of the day but other than that nothing. I didn't have to go to my tree so I think them as an addition would be nice. I can feel myself wanting to open up to Titus already. It's scaring me, I've never felt this before.

Last bell rings, and everyone packs up. Kace and Callie walk out but I know they're waiting for me. Benji follows behind Kace, leaving me and Titus. I have my book bag on one shoulder so he opens the door for me.

"Thank you," I say slightly more confident. The tip of my ears turn red from images of our notes earlier. I look up as I'm passing him and I see many emotions, but I can't recognize one.

We walk out the building in silence. I look up to him and see him already starring at me. I turn a deep red, looking away out of embarrassment. I can't help not staring, his eyes capture something I can't explain. I just want to run my hand through his ha-

No stop it. Bad Zealand. You don't even know if he likes guys.

Sadly, my thoughts were right this time. I don't know and yet I wanna say "fuck it, yolo!!" I guess I thought for too long because the bright sun is in my eyes now.

I blink and find all of them looking at me.

"Zealand, are you okay? because you've been spacing out after lunch." A concerned Kace asks, Cal nods her head to agree. That means I'm gonna have to answer, not I front of all these people though.


"Can't you tell he's tired? You guys stop worrying," Titus cuts me off. "I'll take him home. Benji, you know what to do." He hands Benjamin his keys and leads me away. Kace and Cal are hesitant but with a nod from me, they leave.

I now notice Titus' hand on my lower back. It makes a delicious shiver go down my spine but no one acknowledges it. We can't with everyone still here looking at us. Am I gonna always be the center of attention around him?

He clears his throat. "Anyone else driving with you?" Dammit, my sisters! I nod and he hums. He opens my passenger seat door and allows me to get in before closing it. I blush at the treatment but play it cool as he sits in the drivers seat.

He hold out his hand and I drop my keys in them. He cranks up the car and runs his hands down the wheel. "Nice ride by the way, who are we waiting on?" I lean forward to change the gps to my house. "My sisters and don't be shocked, they're twins." Titus nods to let me know he heard my whisper.

Normally I wouldn't allow anyone to drive my precious baby, Titus is different though. I hope my sisters don't come in here and embarrass me.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Titus started conversation. I smiled slightly because big and popular people like him don't associate with weird people like me.

"I um I like to read and I play a mean game of Call of Duty," my reply has a tone of excitement. "Give me a good book or Wattpad story with some hot chocolate and you got a date." His chuckles are so deep, they fill up the car. Which only helps me to notice how his scent wraps around me.

I look out the window to hide any remaining redness. "That's so cute, I might have to take you up on your offer." I can't reply because the back doors open and in come my sisters.

They stop whatever they're about to say to gap at Titus. He gives them a small salute to which they basically swoon over. I have a tiny frown on my face before I realize it. Why do I feel...jealous?

The person behind me, Olivia, taps me on my shoulder. "Why is the Titus Uriel in your car?!" She yell whispers at me. She's so close to my ear that I flinched but quickly recover. I send her a deadly glare over my shoulder and she puts her hand up in surrender.

Titus starts to drive, I decide to change the station to pop and my sisters groan. Titus chuckles at the action, "I actually like pop, gives you something different to listen to." I stuck my tongue out at them as they pout.

"See not everyone is uncultured like y'all," I huff out. We start bickering as Titus just laughs to himself. He's probably thinking:

These people are crazy. You can tell they're family.

And I would agree with him. Anyway, I finish the argument because it was childish. Titus and my sisters get to talking, and I feel myself start to doze off. Titus voice soothes me to fall asleep. The best sleep I've ever had.


I sleepily feel someone set me in my bed. I grab their hand because they smell familiar.

"Don't go" I groggily say to whoever. I can barely open my eyes I'm so tired. By the time they flutter, a hand is running through my hair. It feels nice to say the least. That simple action lures me back to sleep. But not before I hear a...

"Don't worry pumpkin, I'll see you tomorrow."


Quick chapter that took me all day.

Thoughts? —>

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