Chapter 11

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I thought it was funny...don't mind me.

- - -Titus' POV- - -

Benji and I get out of 4th period and walk to what I think is the cafeteria. The school is bigger than expected and the cafeteria is the same way.

"I wonder what's for lunch," I say to make conversation. Ever since Benji found his linker in 1st period, he has been distant. I understand they feed off each other's energy but cmon man.

"Nachos." Period point blank. That's all I get from him. On god, I'm so ready for him to tell Kace what he is.

A scent crosses our path and it smells familiar. It's the scent from earlier, maybe now I can see who or what it is.

Seax naturally pushes to get control but I know that he knows he can't.

"Ugh you're so fucking stupid." Seax fades away and I don't feel his presence as much. Just great.

I'm guessing the scent isn't connecting to me but instead Seax. Why is this scent so significant? It stands out more than others. How am I able to pick it up so easily? I mean I am an Alpha but this feels different...

We follow the crowd to the cafeteria and wait til it's not heavy. I think we might've waited too long because when we come in, everyone is seated and became quiet. All eyes in our direction once again.

One table not looking our direction, Kace and Callie's table. With an additional member.

"Hey yo, new kids sit over here." A jock yells even though I could hear him if he spoke normal. Well he's in for a rude awakening.

Benji follows me into the line, and the lunch ladies look surprised. Do they not get many new students? I lead us past all tables, including the jock's table. As we get closer to where I'm going, that scent gets stronger. I stop at Kace's table in the corner.

"Hey, can we sit here?" Benji asks instead of me. I'm too busy staring at their friend. Holy shit, that's who it is. He's so cute and adorable but still sexy as hell. It's something about him that I can't pin-poi-

"IT'S OUR FUCKING MATE, YOU DUMBASS!" Seax growls hard as shit at me. God, he's giving me a damn headache.

"I didn't realize jeez," I return my focus to reality, to find the table staring at me. Oops.

"Sorry, I spaced out." That's my excuse to them. I notice a shiver go down their friend's spine. I smirk, glad to know I have that effect on my mate.

I sit down and it's an awkward silence. I guess I'll introduce us because Benji is too busy trying not to stare at Kace. "For those of you who don't know us, I'm Titus and this is Benjamin or just Benji." Kace plays with his food, pretending like he doesn't know Benji is staring. I feel all types of emotion running off this table. Excitement the most.

Callie squeals before she talks. "Oh everyone knows who you guys are. Plus someone took pictures and they're all over the internet," Callie gets her phone out and shows the pictures. She liked them?

"I see you liked them," I say and she blushes at my comment. My mate has a slight frown on his face. It's hard to tell unless you stare...which I'm not doing.

Callie must have seen my glance as she points at him. "This is Zealand," she says. "He's shy and doesn't talk to strangers much." She smiles warmly at him. At least I know he's been safe with them.

"Still can't believe you didn't know." Seax sounds salty and I know he probably is.

"Doesn't matter, I know now." My comeback isn't in a mean way. I just can't find myself to be mad in front of our mate.

"Did you just think 'our', for once." Wow, he seems honestly shocked. I'm not that possessive, am I?

I tune back into the table to find it how I left.

I urge Benji to talk to Kace but he shakes his head no. Callie and Kace engage Zealand into conversation. I listen in on to hear what I want.

"So Zealand, got any homework already?" Kace asks while actually eating his food. Benji suddenly decides to eat his too. Aww he's whipped al-fuckin-ready.

"Yea, but I heard we have a project 6th period." He whispers but I hear him loud and clear. His squeaky but rich voice feels like sleep on a rainy day, calm and peaceful. A delightful shiver run through my body but no one would guess it. I have a nice resting bitch face.

Everyone suddenly gets quiet and I look up to see the jock and his goons walking over. Their scowls and smirks tell me they're not about to hand us flowers. It doesn't phase me but m-our mate's heart rate speeds up. I have to do something to calm him down before he has a panic attack.

"Hey, it's ok just breathe. He can't hurt you while I'm here," I whisper to him without breaking contact with the jock. Our mate visibly relaxes at the sound of our voice. The rest of the table shifts gazes between us but decide not to say anything. The jocks stand in front of the table and just stare.

"What's your name kid?" He finally says to me. Benji snorts and some glance to him.

"First off, I'm pretty sure I'm fucking older than you and the name's Titus. What about you big shot?" I watch with satisfaction as anger flares in his eyes. A few snickers here and there but people wait for the drama to start.

"Can you believe this guy? He doesn't know me," he laughs with his goons. "I'm James Cohen, captain of the football team." Oh so we got a football player, I could easily beat him with or without being supernatural.

Then he does something I don't like.

He stares at our mate with hated and disgust. Zealand physically shrinks in his seat when he notices. I have to hold the table so I won't kill him this second.

"I'm sorry but I don't associate with pieces of shit like you guys," I spat which catches his attention. Bunches of 'oouuu' and 'dangggg' went around. His goons shot everyone glares and it quiets down.

"Look, I don't know who you think-" He starts to say rudely but I interrupt him. "Ah ah ah now that's no way to talk to a fellow classmate. Restart and try that shit again," I say standing up, now towering over him. There's a ringing silence throughout the cafeteria, waiting on his response.

Unfortunately for them, James looked like a tomato about to pee his pants.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot." James chuckles nervously while giving a small smile. I smirk as I lean across the table.

"I suggest you and your shitbags leave before I break more than your feet," his smile falls as he hears those words. Trying to play it off, he pushes through his goons and walks out like he owned the place.

I sat down as clapping started up. Why are they clapping? Kace noticed my confused look as he starts to laugh.

"No one has ever stepped up to James until now," Kace explained to Benji and I. I look to Zealand to see his relieved look.

Maybe I will actually change his life for the better...


Might be one of my favorite chapters.

So thoughts? —>

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