My greatest accident

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Reality, a construct made from what the senses can tell, but, what happens when there is something else? Something beyond the senses, the mind of even comprehension

With a force so chaotic in play, how could you possibly hope to deal with it?

Why, with the Occult, of course

The people involved in this dark area of knowledge are bound to a life of strangeness and magic, hidden from public knowledge. Hardly suitable for raising a family

...Especially if that wasn't your plan, to begin with

So was the case of John Constantine, an infamous occult detective, and con-artist residing in London. A man sometimes involved with superheroes, sometimes not, but one thing was for certain, his intentions were always a mystery as he was not one to follow rules

That included sometimes getting carried away with someone. However, no action was without consequences, and he would soon understand that lesson

It started as a regular day, nice enough for the con-artist to be spending on a couch, asleep without a care in the world

Unfortunately for him, this changed the moment the doorbell rang. Groaning in annoyance, he decided to ignore it at first

Then, it rang again and again and there was even knocking, making it almost impossible to avoid

Constantine: Alright I bloody heard! For fuck's sake...

He insulted in a low voice as he slowly walked towards the door, but the moment he opened it, he found himself alone in the hallway

Not even magic could tell him if there was truly someone there

Constantine: Huh, alright then

The blond was going to close the door when he heard a noise, an innocent cry for help

Recognizing the source of said noise, Constantine's eyes widened fearing the worst and when he looked down, it was confirmed

There was a small baby boy recently awake, with small h/c colored hair. Definitely not a newborn

The little one was residing in a basket in front of him, with a white, shining feather resting by his side

He reluctantly picked him up and spotted a note left beside him that said:

"The name's Y/N, don't screw up"

Inspecting the feather, John was able to figure out who left the baby at his doorstep

Constantine: Fantastic... now what?

Without much of an option, he picked up the basket and walked back inside his place, which now looked in terrible shape

And all it took to realize it was the arrival of a baby

John dragged a chair nearby and sat on it, just thinking about what to do about the new person in his life

This lasted for a few seconds until the baby started to look around with his e/c orbs and stopped on his father, sensing something about him

The man couldn't help but smile at the little boy, who was curious about where he was

Constantine: He's surprisingly quiet for his age

Then, his little stomach growled and the baby immediately began to cry as a reaction, much to his annoyance

The detective used magic to get his "son" something to eat, keeping him quiet for now, at least until he figured out his next step

John: This ain't my cup of tea, I even needed magic to keep the little man quiet, what-

The Hellblazer's Son- DC Comics Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now