The dark god: To hunt a raven

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As the sheets moved, your consciousness was slowly returning to you. Your eyes adjusted to the light as the day seemingly started with no problem

That's when you felt a weight on your chest. A familiar, warm weight

When you looked down, you saw white hair snuggled up against you. You brushed it off the side with care, revealing the face of the one and only Rose Wilson

She looked so peaceful when she...wait, Rose!?

Just the thought of it was enough to make you actually fall out of your bed. This loud thud was enough to wake her up

Rose saw you on the floor, terrified for dear life, and couldn't help but laugh at this

Rose: Morning to you too...

You: W-What are you doing in my room?

Rose: We might have drunk a bit too much last night, you opened a portal to your room and let me stay since, well, I couldn't really stumble all the way there

That... actually made sense

You: Oh...

She sat up and stretched her back a little, revealing that she was still wearing the same shirt she did yesterday. That was a relief

Rose: Yeah, don't worry, we didn't actually do anything like...that

You laughed nervously at this. Not to turn Rose down or anything, but you were still not that close

Before anything else could happen to worsen the situation with her, a flash of red light threatened the entire building

You looked at each other and dropped the act the second you heard Tim's voice echoing throughout the halls


This was serious

You quickly stood up and motioned her to approach you

You: C'mere. No time to lose

She nodded and stood in front of you, you touched her shoulder and snapped your fingers so that both of you were now in your uniforms

Rose: Thanks. Thought it only worked for you though

You: We've been working together long enough for me to memorize your costume. Have some faith in me, Luv

She just chuckled at this before you both headed out of your room and into the hallways flashing with red light

As you made your way to the briefing room you thought about all the crises Red Robin had summoned the Titans to stop

Some were severe, but none of them required him to use that code red. This one was serious

By the time you reached the briefing room, so did the rest of the team, all of them in uniforms as well. Tim was in the room already, tending to a holographic display of the world

Vic: How bad is it?

Tim: Really bad. We've got multiple emergencies at ones

No kidding, the holographic display of the world showed multiple danger zones, some even from opposite points

Tim: Someone is messing with us, big time. The sun was supposed to be up seven hours ago and instead, we have a crimson moon

As if on clue, he looked at you

Tim: Any idea of what does that mean?

You: Usually it's just a bad omen, but it was also used as a declaration of war

The Hellblazer's Son- DC Comics Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now