Gone scoutin'

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Slowly but surely, a pair of sore eyes opened to reveal a blurry, gray sky, trees, and...snow?

The body regained consciousness soon after, feeling itself surrounded, almost smothered by something soft, but surrounded nonetheless

That combined with the cold air hitting your face and the tattered winter gear you were wearing left little room for doubts regarding where you were

The question now was why you were there in the first place, which wouldn't be so difficult to remember if it wasn't for that damn headache

With some effort, you managed to sit up, looking around you to confirm the area. A snowy forest with no sign of the sun anywhere

Sighing, you could even see your own breath. However, you soon discovered that in fact, you weren't alone

There was a blonde girl near you. With winter clothing as well as some bracelets that were no doubt Amazon in origin

Maybe she had some answers to, well, all of this

You got up, reluctantly leaving the soft ground to approach the girl, who was rubbing the back of her head, wincing slightly

You: I know it's going to sound weird, but do you happen to know what is even going on?

She was startled by your voice and quickly got up into a defensive position, her blue eyes fixed in you

You quickly raised your hands in surrender, fighting the first person you saw wouldn't do anything to improve the situation

You: Now now, don't get your knickers in a twist. We're on the same team...I think

With that said, the blonde lowered her guard slightly, now giving you a confused look

???: I don't even know who you are

Lowering your arms yourself, you approached her with a hand extended for a greeting

You: The name's Y/N L/N

Seeing as you had no intention of hurting her, she too, ceased all hostility by shaking your hand

???: Cassie...Cassie Sandsmark

She was struggling to even remember her answer, perhaps making sure it was the right one

You: I take it you don't know how we ended here?

She shook her head in reply to your question, earning a sigh from you. Memory loss was so frustrating

Fortunately, having a drunk of a father such as Constantine had its benefits. Restoring memories was one of the first spells you ever learned as a boy

Reluctantly pulling up your sleeves, you rubbed your hands together, facing the girl

You: Okay, I'm going to try something to help us remember, but I need you to stay calm, alright?

You asked her to put her hand on the side of your head as you did the same for her

Cassie: Guess I'll have to trust you

You: I like your attitude already, luv

Softly, you intertwined your fingers with her, mustering the strength to chant the spell in the middle of the blizzard whilst closing your eyes

You: Menimi me adiuvet

Suddenly, a flash appeared to you both, startling but not enough to break the bond you formed

"Follow that train!"

The familiar voice of Timothy Drake yelled at you two. Wasting no time, you jumped aboard a train that did no effort in slowing down

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