Day off

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The relaxing sounds of the water nearby

The wind, gentle in its journey and the birds chirping

The gentle greeting of the sunlight sneaking through the curtains

Combined, these elements resulted in an unmatched harmony. Intuition would say that no harm would take place today


You sure you were thinking about the right place?

It's the Titans Tower you were talking about, of course, it wasn't so qu--

"Y/N, are you in there?"

The knocking on your door made the sheets move as you faced the direction of the noise, grumbling without even saying a word

"Y/N, it's important"

Reluctantly, you got out of bed and allowed an enchanted robe to wrap around you. That would do the trick for now

Stumbling your way to the door, it slid open to reveal Rachel in an oversized shirt as her pajamas. It was honestly adorable

Rachel: Tim called in a meeting

Instead of answering, you just groaned, much to the goth's amusement

Rachel: Same, but he did say that the uniform wasn't necessary, so come on

She motioned you to follow her and so you did, along with the rest of the team who was still pretty much in their night outfits, you reached the briefing room

Wonder what did the madman you had for a leader wanted this early

Once you entered the room, you all saw him in a sweatshirt that had his colors. Showoff

It didn't help either that he chuckled when he saw all of you struggling to keep yourselves awake. He was one of the bats, no wonder he was keeping up with this

Tim: I'm sorry to call you all so early

You: You better, I was having a good rest

Tim: Well, that's why I brought you all here

This caused the rest of the squad to fix their eyes on him, intrigued as to what he had to say

Tim: As you may recall, we were under attack yesterday. Garfield was put under a strange influence while the rest of us were thrown into another dimension

There was silence after that. Everyone knew what he was talking about, but didn't want to talk about it

Tim: If it weren't for Y/N and Rachel we'd still be wandering that strange place. The point is...

He paused to take a sip from the mug he had beside him

Tim: I'm giving you guys the day off. I wanted to tell you now so you can go back to rest without having to worry

Kori: Are you sure about this, Tim?

Wally: Yeah man, we appreciate it but won't we be needed somewhere today?

Conner: Yes, the Titans are needed on an almost daily basis

Tim: That's why I got the others to cover up for us today. They were glad to return the favor after the mission with the kids

Again, no response. It was as if the Titans were trying to grasp the meaning of "day off"

Garfield: So...does that mean that we're free? Like actually free?

This made Tim laugh, even he was familiar with the concept and he was a member of the forsaken Batfamily

Tim: Yes, Gar, you all are. Enjoy your day

The Hellblazer's Son- DC Comics Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now