The dark god: Disenchantment

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"Kori? What are you doing?"

Perplexed, you stood in front of an enraged Koriand'r. The energy from her hands running frantically as she threatened to burn you to a crisp

She came to alert you of something but instead ended up losing control. Now, it was up to Tim and you

You: I don't think that's her, mate

He gave you a confused look before realizing what you meant. The rage, the glowing eyes

Tim: The Inner beast...

The Tamaranean threw a bolt of lightning straight at you, something that you had barely dodged. Tim threw a small sphere at her that released a powerful glue

The substance latched on to her hands and kept her from doing anything

You took the chance and aimed your hands at the unconscious Rachel

You: Non poteris videre

With that, she faded away from harm

Tim: We gotta get out of here!

He grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the medbay with him, then he looked at the camera located near the entrance

Tim: Seal access 39. User code 002

Computer: Confirmed, sealing...

The door to the medbay was tightly sealed, with layers of reinforced steel keeping you away from the enraged Kori. It wouldn't last, but it would buy you time

Tim: What did you do to Rachel?

You: I made her invisible to them. Only works once

Tim: Right, are you sure this is what we're dealing with?

You: No doubt about it. Did you make the antidote?

Tim: Yeah, but it's not enough

With furrowed brows, you turned back at him

You: What do you mean by that?

Tim: I've managed to produce enough antidote for one person. There's no telling who else got infected

As if on cue, a monstrous roar was heard from across the hall. Guess Beast Boy was back to being an actual beast

You groaned in annoyance to this and with a reluctant sigh, you stepped up

You: Alright, get back to it. I'll keep them off your back

The former Robin tossed you a small metal cylinder. This was the same one that formed a staff

Tim: I'm going to call Wally, we'll get this done in no time

You: Good luck to you too

With that, he rushed off to the laboratories while you went straight to the wolves, more specifically, a green wolf

Before doing so, you turned towards the other side of the hall, where Tim headed off to and raised both hands

The Hellblazer's Son- DC Comics Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now