The dark god: Void (Finale)

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En eternal demon, an ally to absolute chaos, a name powerful enough to raze complete realities

The Enchantress had lived through many things. Plagues, wars, and even apocalypses, none of them were enough to take her down or extinguish her green flame

Such a powerful being had never felt the need to experience such a thing as fear

But now? Now was different

She was broken, lacking a host and losing her grip on reality. Not only that, but she was face to face with the embodiment of God's vengeance, a being that could destroy her even in her prime

Spectre: The time for your judgment has come, Enchantress

This agent of God had come to tip the scales, coming in the aid of Constantine's child, a renegade Amazon, a chaotic witch, and one of her own previous hosts

They were all there to stop her, not even knowing what she had planned, but it didn't matter

She had come so close, she could even feel the dark energy flowing through her. There was no going back for her

Just as she was getting ready to fight, another key portal appeared, something that made you look at Alice, who wad previously impersonating Doctor Fate's powers

You: Is this your doing?

Alice: I wish

That could only mean one thing

From the portal, the real Doctor Fate, followed by Zatanna, Deadman, Etrigan, and Constantine appeared. Vines started to move next to them to form Swamp Thing as well

Doctor Fate: You shall not succeed in this or any other reality

A black portal opened beside them, it was Raven this time and with her was the entire Shazam family as well as Wonder Girl, all of them ready to deal with this threat for good

Enchantress's eyes went wide when she saw the growing threat in front of her. The entire magical community had come together to stop her and just kept adding numbers to their ranks while she kept being only one

Especially since you had freed her only ally

But that would have to suffice

You, on the other hand, were speechless to see so many people coming to your aid. Friends and family banding together to stop this multiversal threat

You approached your friend and Titan colleague, Rachel, taking the opportunity to talk

You: Raven? You up so soon?

Raven: I wasn't going to let you have all the fun

You two smiled at each other, but the reunion was cut short when you started to hear increasing laughter coming from Enchantress herself

Enchantress: It doesn't matter if you gathered all the power in this world, child

She looked directly at you when she said that. Her green energy surrounded her claws as she raised them in the air


She started to claw away at something, but the moment a small hole appeared in the middle of the air, it became clear what she was doing

Doctor Fate: Do not let her tear reality apart!

You all started blasting her with magic, making her movements even more erratic despite the pain she felt from the attacks. You could see the magic hitting and harming her, but she just wouldn't stop

The Hellblazer's Son- DC Comics Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now