Devil on my shoulder

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The all-too-familiar sound of the morning alarm indicated the beginning of a brand new day.

You turned it off as you were slowly opening your eyes. When you did, you were met with a hint of sunlight sneaking through the covered window

Wonder what could be in store for you today?

Gently, you sat up and stretched to prepare your body. As you did, a joyful voice called you from downstairs

It was mom

"Y/N, darling, breakfast's ready!"


Was all you said before standing up and proceeding to change clothes, officially recognizing this new sunrise

It didn't take long for you to get ready and walk down the stairs, where a delicious smell got a reaction from your stomach

When you got to the source, you found a brunette woman in an apron adding the finishing touches to the food. She smiled the moment she saw you and giving you a plate, she said:

Mother: I made your favorite today, sweetie. I hope you're hungry!

You: Absolutely. Thanks, mum!

With a peck on the cheek, you thanked the woman while taking your plate to the table

???: What's that wonderful smell?

Another voice called from the stairs, a male one. When you looked at the source, you found your father, smiling

He was already making his way into the kitchen, he ruffled your hair to greet you on his way

Mother: There you are! I thought you'd be too busy sleeping to eat breakfast

They shared a brief hug before the man took the other two plates

Father: I'd be mad if I ever missed your cooking, luv

Then, he gave her a peck on the lips and then walked to the table. Mom joined soon after with some drinks to compliment the meal

Mother: So, what's on the agenda for today, John?

Father: I'm going to help Zee prepare for her act. Y'know, the special effects thing

Mother: As long as we get free tickets

They shared a laugh before your mother looked at you with a smile

Mother: What about you, sweetie? Are you going to cheer for Rose in that game?

You nodded slightly as you finished munching

You: The Amazons sacrificed a lot to get to this match, I have to be there for them

Upon hearing this, both your parents gave you a warm smile, you could tell they were proud of what they heard

Father: That's my son, alright

You continued (and eventually finished) your meal talking about random topics that came to mind naturally, chuckling and laughing at the occasional silly comment every now and then

It was when the doorbell rang that you were reminded of your agenda

Gulping his last bit of food, your father stood up and grabbed the keys

Father: I'll go, it's my turn

He walked towards the door and unlocked it before opening it. On the other side was a young white-haired girl wearing a leather jacket denim jeans

The Hellblazer's Son- DC Comics Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now