Alyssa (The Siren)

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Ever since you were a child, her call tempted you out to the ocean, sinking past your closed window and thin walls up to your early twenties.

You knew better than to let her call tempt you into such a vulnerable state. You do admit, you've made eye contact with her when your curiosity took over, and she was as beautiful as the stories foretold.

She's always stayed in the back of your mind, a constant reminder of her possessive pull towards you.

You swore you've looked through countless books, Google searches, and fellow humans who had a similar experience, but none quite matched her persistent behavior.

You found a few links to Siren songs recorded by victims, but after everyone you listened to, you came up with a horrible fever that left you bedridden for weeks.

Her songs would increase over the sickness, her voice seeming to be right next to you.

A few times she's appeared in your dreams, her slimy gray skin, blue scaled tail, piercing Arctic blue eyes, finned ears, webbed hands, gentle facial structure, and light blue hair was the only thing you would see.

At times in the dreams, she would stare at you, her eyes twirling like stars as the waves bounced around her.

Other times, specific erotic dreams would plague you for weeks. It felt so real as her claws rake over your body, her razor-sharp teeth grazing just lightly over your nipple, her forked tongue lapping softly.

At times you awoke in a heavy sweat, breathing heavily as your body feels like it was floating, and yet you still never gave in to her song.

You knew full well that if you allowed her any real physical contact, her everyday brute strength could drag you into the depths, never to be seen again.

And if it weren't her strength, it would be her ability to manipulate the water, puppeteering it to grasp you if you step a single foot upon her cove.

Myths and legends were all you knew, but all pointed to the dangers of a Siren this determined to have one human.

Some speculated it was for a mate, or your bloodline had wronged her kind at some point, and either ended in you permanently stuck within an underwater cave or a sunken grave.

You weren't one to take a chance as massive as this...and yet...

Here you were, another dream plagued sleep, her Iris twirling, slowly dragging you closer to her as the waves form around her figure.

Her mouth was motionless, and yet her song played loudly in the background.

She raises a webbed finger, beckoning you closer to the ocean.

You wanted so bad to turn away, and yet your feet carried you closer, your head felt dizzy as she reaches out, a slow-burning forming in your stomach just as her hand grasps you!

Her singing stops as the waves halt all movement, the wind rustling around you as her words echo.

"I've only wished for you to answer me."

Her hold turns aggressive, grasping the front of your shirt and dragging you closer, you're left breathless.

"If my mate denies me, then what am I but a finless fish?". A sparkling teardrop falls down her cheek, her eyes shining such a sadness that you genuinely felt guilty.

All this time, you've allowed rumors to control your life, never making a decision correct to you.

She's waiting, her heart wishing nothing else but to hold who was dearest to her.

But as any average person, you had your doubts. Suspicions you could call them.

If this was a dream, a simple 'imagination running wild' sort of scenario was plausible.

"I'd never reject someone who I've never met."

You do realize how she may have thought you denied her persistent songs; it did indeed seem that way.

But all you could do is try your best to understand her real motive and plan accordingly.

Then maybe you'd finally accept the Sirens call.

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