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Kathlyn stopped all her motions. She cannot believe what she's seeing right now. It has been so long. And he's back, for what?

"Kath?" Spencer called out Kathlyn, pulling her out from a deep trance. 

"Uh. Yeah, what is it?" Kathlyn absentmindedly replied. 

Hanna, on the other hand followed Kathlyn's gaze. "Oh? Duncan?" 

Emily, Spencer, and Aria, also looked at the direction where Hanna's looking at. 

"Oh, I heard he's the new teacher for Biology since, you know, our prof. got pregnant." Aria pointed out. 

Kathlyn let out a deep sigh and then stood up, "I'll just freshen up." 

The girls just threw confused looks at Kathlyn's direction. 


Kathlyn walked through a room, hurriedly. 

"Why did you come back?" 

The man who is busy arranging his stuff with his back turned at Kathlyn.

"What? Are you just gonna stand still there and not answer my fvcking question?" Kathlyn asked in a higher tone. 

"Ithey gave me an offer..."

"UPenn is obviously much better than this shitty school. So don't give me that shitty reason." Kathlyn cut off the man. 


"It's Kathlyn for you, or better yet, just Evans." Kathlyn cut him off again. 

"Ms. Evans, I am here because the principal, which is a good friend of mine, asked for a favor. I'm here for temporary only."

Kathlyn stared at him. Trying to figure out if he is really telling the truth. After a few moments, the brunette just sighed and took off. 


"Hey, where did you go?" Emily asked Kathlyn as the latter entered the room with grumpy face. 

"Just... somewhere." As if on cue, Kathlyn's phone beeped. 

"He's back. What are you gonna do now?" 

"Wanna join us for a little shopping later?" Emily asked the brunette, pulling the latter's attention off her cellphone. 

"Oh, yeah. Sure." 

"No date with Ethan?" Hanna interrupted, wriggling her eyebrows. 

"No date with Ethan." Kathlyn faced the blonde girl. "The basketball team's having some rigid training so he's busy." 


"Okay, so what happened between you three?" Spencer asked Kathlyn, Aria, and Hanna as they were picking out clothes. 

"Okay, so you know how I went to that museum with Ezra?" Aria started. 

Emily and Spencer then nodded together. 

"Well, 'A' tried to get Hanna to ruin it." Aria continued the story. 

"Ruin it how?" Spencer asked. 

"'A' gave me another ticket and made me give it to Aria's mom." Hanna explained

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