I wear a mask again and go to see you

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A/n: "The Truth Untold- BTS"

Author POV

He sent Hyun-mi off with Jisung.

Jisung: Okay, now please tell me what's wrong.

Hyun-mi: Okay, you know the boys, BTS? 

Jisung: Yeah, get to the point.

Hyun-mi: Well... They use to be my everything, my reason to live. I don't know how to explain it but they were just so important to me and we've always been there for each other. 

*Flashback* Hyun-mi POV

Younger Jin: Hyunnie, go get some rest, you must be tired. We've been out all day long.

Younger Hyun-mi: Okay, Oppa! See you! *kisses each one of them's cheek*

I went to take a nap, I slept for like 3 hours. When I woke up I went downstairs to see if the boys were sleeping or not but there was no sound. No sign of any living human. I looked all over the house, in the rooms, the attic, the kitchen, the living room, even in the basement of whom I had the biggest fear. I started to worry but calmed myself by saying that maybe they went grocery shopping or something like that. I waited and waited but they never came back. The next day,I spammed their phone by calling each one of them a hundred times but they never answered. Just like that my life passed from okay to horrible, since that day I never showed any of my emotions until I met Jisung.

*Back to present* Author POV

Jisung: Omo~! I'm so sorry to make you remember these hard memories!

Hyun-mi: Don't be, it actually felt good talking to someone. *hugs Jisung*

Jisung was surprised by her sudden action but decided to hug her back. They released from the hug and walked together to the rooftop because Hyun-mi wasn't in the mood to go back to class. They stayed there until the bell rang which means lunch break. Jisung dragged Hyun-mi to the cafeteria to meet his friends.

??? POV

We were sitting waiting for Jisung Hyung, but we already started eating. Did you really think I was going to wait for him while my sausages are calling for me desperately. Me and Chan Hyung were arguing about who would get the sausages.

Me(???): Oi, mate. Give me my sausage it's my sausage. Give me back my sausage.

Chan: All of this is mine, don't touch it! Oi! Felix!

A/n: Sorry, I had to (only STAYs will understand ).

???: Hey hyungs, stop it! You look like kids.

Me: But we are kids Jeongin.

Jeongin: I'm younger but I still act more mature.... you will kill me one day.

*Back to Author's POV*

Jisung dragged Hyun-mi to the table where a bunch of idiots were playing around.

Jisung: Hey!!! Guys, this is Lee Hyun-mi. Hyun-mi, these stupid people you see here are my friends.

Hyun-mi: Well, they do look stupid.

Jeongin: Ha! See I told you. You guys look like idiots.

Hyun-mi: That includes you, kiddo.

Chan, Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin: 😂😂😂😂🤣 You deserve it!

Jisung: Anyway, can I give a nickname?

Hyun-mi: Yeah, sure.

Jisung: Okay, I'll call you....Hyunnie! Is it okay?

~🥀Why did you leave me?🥀~ A BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now