Chapter 4

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In Delhi,

drish is preparing everything for the competition...

some students and other staff are also helping...

principal called her to his office..

Principal: Ms. Drishti, i hope u r doing well for the arrangements..

Drishti: yes sir.. dnt wry.. everything will be perfect and on time..

Principal: i know each and everything will be perfect and on time if u do that wrk...

Drishti: Tq sir...

Principal: i called u to inform about our chief guest..

Drishti: who is our chief guest ??? did u finalised???

Principal: ya our chief guest will be Mr.Rakshit Shergill, who recently won the young entrepreneur award too...

Drishti: ya sir i too heard about that... final yr Rashi shergill's brother..

Principal: ya the same one... i'm happy to invite him since he can motivate our students well about business and management..

Drishti: ya sir... good choice of chief guest... did he accepted our invitation??

Principal: i have informed Mr.Mehta to talk to his office and ask for his availability... he will be coming here only on the last day... that too for award function... so pls make sure every arrangement is perfect and good..

Drishti: ok sir.. i'll take care of it.. dnt wry...

Principal: ok u can continue ur wrk...

Drishti: tq sir...

(so our hero is the chief guest for the function which is organised by our heroine...😉)

In Mumbai,

Rakshit and simi are busy in project... they are explaining the workers what and all to do for this project..

As usual lavanya is eyeing Rakshit...

Rakshit felt this and moved away from there...

During lunch, lavanya made both of them have lunch with her.. and she praised her personal skill of cooking😂 though she doesn't know anything abt cooking and kitchen... she just made them to believe that she prepared everything ...

Rakshit didn't fall for her words... he made excuse of phone call and went out...

simi tried to contact romi.. she dialled for romi...

Simi: hello Romi..

Romi: haan simran... whatsup?

Simi: did u reached safe??

Romi: where??

Simi: Delhi...

Romi: i'm in mumbai.. i didn't go..

Simi: (internally happy) y??

Romi: i got invited for my frnds family party... that y i'm here..

Simi: frnd?? u didn't inform me abt ur frnds here.. u said u r new this city and nt having any frnds...🙁

Romi: arey baba... its u only pagal...😜

Simi: ok pagal ka dhosth...🤪

Romi: ok what for called??

Simi: to ask whether coming r nt ??/

Romi: i'm coming for sure..

Simi: tats like a good boy...

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