A fight to remember last part

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Tsubaki: WH-

*his hand is impaled with red bloody rubys*

Tsubaki: AHH!

*I see Jotaro come from behind tsubaki with star platinum before tsubaki turns around*


*he turns and sees Jotaro and star platinum with anger on their faces*

Jotaro: this isn't gonna feel too good for you. Yare yare daze.

Tsubaki: no matter what you do you wont beat Ryuji!

Jotaro:  that's enough. ORAAAAA!!!

*Jotaro punches him into a wall and punches him some more*

Tsubaki: p..pl.please...h..help me.

*jotaro looks at tsubaki's bloodied face and then walks towards me*

Jotaro: aru are you ok?!

Me: my head is just banged up. Go see how polenaref is doing.

*Jotaro runs over to unconscious polenaref and picks him up*

Me: is he ok?

Jotaro: he is just unconscious. I'm going to call the Speed Wagon Foundation.

*Jotaro leaves me with polenaref and runs to the nearest phone booth*

Polenaref: a..aru? Are..y..you ok...?

Me: yes, but you aren't, so rest.

*polenaref sleeps and jotaro soon comes back*

Jotaro:  they will be here soon.

Jotaro's POV:  aru...your head looks terrible.

Aru: I'll live.

*I come and sit down next to her*

Me: aru please be more careful.


*I then wrap my arms around her and hug her*

Aru: J..jotaro..

Me: oh sorry...

*the Speed Wagon Foundation arrives and treat all of our wounds*

SWF worker: Mr polenaref cant continue this journey. We will send another man to help.

Me: we will be fine.

*just as I say that this guy comes out of the vehicle that the SWF came in*

Random guy: I'll help!

Author~ who is the new guy gonna be? Let's find out soon. Thanks for reading!

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