Whats up with this place?

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*We all find a close hotel and go to get our rooms*

Jotaro: three rooms please.

*the lady gives us three rooms and then we go to them*

Tyran: dear I'll be one room away~ I'll call you before you go to sleep~

Me: no thanks. I'm tired.

*we all check out our rooms. The rooms are small and weren't looking in the best shape*

Jotaro: umm...were gonna go check out the places that the missing people have gone to.

Me: ok. I'll be out in a sec.

Aru's mind: He has been really nice to me lately...maybe we should talk, just me and him.

*I get ready and meet up with Jotaro and Tyran*

Me: so where are we going?

Tyran: well there is this alley down town near a club. That's where lots of people have been seen missing at.

Jotaro: we will go in the club and check out the alley.

Me: we should stay close. You never know what could happen.

Jotaro: no we will split up. We can cover more ground and maybe we will get led to enemy.

Me: no we should go together.

*Jotaro and I give each other looks*

Jotaro: fine.

Me: wait what? Your gonna-

Jotaro: come on let's get going.

Tyran: oop he cut you off dear.

Me: uh...shut up

*we all leave and head to the club*

Finally get to the
Club and get in.

Guard: you guys can not come in. You must be 21 and older. Get out of here.

Tyran: excuse me?

*Tyran uses Blue Rex to shrink the guard down some so he could look bigger than the guard*

Guard: o..oh..um, go in!

Me: nice one Tyran.

Tyran: thanks dear!

*we walk into the club and see over 50 people in there, drinking and dancing away*

Me: ugh such noises hurt my ears.

Jotaro: we'll be out soon. Let's go out that back door.

*Jotaro leads us to the back door but with so many people dancing. We all get separated*

Me: Jotaro! Tyran!

Tyran: Aru!

*Jotaro has this concerned look but then I cant see him anymore in the crowd*

*I make my way to the bar and sit on a stool*

Aru's mind: I guess I'll wait until they come up here.

*the bar tender asks what I want and I tell him I wanted a coke. He goes and get me one but then this guy walks up and sits next to me*

Waiter: here ma'am.

Me: thank you.

Guy: hello, you look rather lovely.
Why dont we share a drink?

Me: if you leave me alone you might be able to actually have one.

Guy: what? Come on.

Me: I said leave me alone, ugly pig.

Guy: what did you say!

*he stands up and gets face to face with me*

Guy: now your gonna take that-

Voice: that's enough.

*this other person that I cant see puts his hand on this ugly pig guy's shoulder*

Guy: what did you say?

Voice: do I have to make myself clear?

Who do you think it is? I'll be making some more today~


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