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Jotaro: how am I supposed to get that stand out of his brain?

Me: you need to shrink your stand and go in through his ear.

*Jotaro shrinks his stand and goes into Tyran's ear*

Me: can you see it?

Jotaro: not really.

Me: keep going.

*after a while Jotaro sees something latched onto Tyran's brain*

Jotaro: I found it.

Me: ok! Now take it out!

Jotaro: cant take it out very easily.

Me: hmm...

Jotaro's POV: it's dark in there. I cant really see.

Aru: punch its arms off or something!

Me: 😑 once again not that easy.

*the stand starts to move so that meant "Tyran" was waking up*

Me: aru get back. He's getting up.

Aru: no I'll be fine.

Me: your still healing, you need to go hide somewhere to rest.

*she hadn't realized her head was bleeding from getting knocked into the wall by "Tyran"*

Aru: I'm staying.

Me: your so stubborn...and stupid

Aru: what did you call me!?

Me: yare yare. Can I just get this over with? Go hide.

Aru: fine.

*"Tyran" wakes up*

"Tyran": aru..?...

Me: nope it's me.

"Tyran": what are you doing in his brain?!

Me: I should be the one asking.

"Tyran":... I can get you out soon.

Me: 🤨

*"Tyran" jumps up high and get away from Jotaro making Jotaro's stand not able to go any further*


"Tyran": you should have killed me when you had the chance

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"Tyran": you should have killed me when you had the chance.

Me: what?

*little did we know it was tsubaki. He came back with a new stand*

"Tyran": remember me. You probably don't. All that muscle and no brain I guess.

Me: 😤

*aru comes out from hiding*

"Tyran": oh, hi love. Where have you been?

Aru: get out of him!

"Tyran": you must be dumb too. It's not that easy. Plus I got new powers from-

Aru: Ryuji.

"Tyran": little rude to interrupt love.

Aru: dont call me that.

"Tyran": I'll call you what i want. ...Jotaro. you have been quiet. What are you doing?

Me: well...I know how to beat you now.

"Tyran": what?

Author~ hi my lovely readers! Sorry to leave you on another cliffhanger😅 Its getting late I'm gonna go to sleep.

Just gonna let you guys know that you can leave some recommendations
In the comments. I would love to hear what you have come up with, to make the story 100 times better!


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