After his battle with DIO, Jotaro Kujo and Joseph Joestar return home to Suzie and Holly. Suzie and Joseph go back and live on with their lives together happily (even though Joseph cheats on her) and Jotaro goes with his mom. just when Jotaro thinks...
Jotaro: how am I supposed to get that stand out of his brain?
Me: you need to shrink your stand and go in through his ear.
*Jotaro shrinks his stand and goes into Tyran's ear*
Me: can you see it?
Jotaro: not really.
Me: keep going.
*after a while Jotaro sees something latched onto Tyran's brain*
Jotaro: I found it.
Me: ok! Now take it out!
Jotaro: cant take it out very easily.
Me: hmm...
Jotaro's POV: it's dark in there. I cant really see.
Aru: punch its arms off or something!
Me: 😑 once again not that easy.
*the stand starts to move so that meant "Tyran" was waking up*
Me: aru get back. He's getting up.
Aru: no I'll be fine.
Me: your still healing, you need to go hide somewhere to rest.
*she hadn't realized her head was bleeding from getting knocked into the wall by "Tyran"*
Aru: I'm staying.
Me: your so stubborn...and stupid
Aru: what did you call me!?
Me: yare yare. Can I just get this over with? Go hide.
Aru: fine.
*"Tyran" wakes up*
"Tyran": aru..?...
Me: nope it's me.
"Tyran": what are you doing in his brain?!
Me: I should be the one asking.
"Tyran":... I can get you out soon.
Me: 🤨
*"Tyran" jumps up high and get away from Jotaro making Jotaro's stand not able to go any further*
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"Tyran": you should have killed me when you had the chance.
Me: what?
*little did we know it was tsubaki. He came back with a new stand*
"Tyran": remember me. You probably don't. All that muscle and no brain I guess.
Me: 😤
*aru comes out from hiding*
"Tyran": oh, hi love. Where have you been?
Aru: get out of him!
"Tyran": you must be dumb too. It's not that easy. Plus I got new powers from-
Aru: Ryuji.
"Tyran": little rude to interrupt love.
Aru: dont call me that.
"Tyran": I'll call you what i want. ...Jotaro. you have been quiet. What are you doing?
Me: well...I know how to beat you now.
"Tyran": what?
----------------------------------- Author~ hi my lovely readers! Sorry to leave you on another cliffhanger😅 Its getting late I'm gonna go to sleep.
Just gonna let you guys know that you can leave some recommendations In the comments. I would love to hear what you have come up with, to make the story 100 times better!