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Jotaro: how are you feeling?

Me: I'm fine...

*we get up and start walking to find the nearest bus stop to get to our next destination*

Me: can we get something to eat?

Jotaro: sure.

Tyran: yeah! I'm hungry too!

*we walk to a restaurant and sit at a table*

Me: I'm getting a big steak!

*Jotaro gives me a funny look and breaths out a laugh but his tone had no emotion in it, I could tell. I guess it's because I was acting strangely last night and now I feel like I'm on top of the world*

Me: why are you laughing?

Jotaro: I haven't met someone that was so enthusiastic about food like you are.

Me: Well I'm special!

Jotaro: yea you are...

*he mumbled under his breath faintly but just enough so that I could hear.*

Me: what was that?

Jotaro: nothing. 

*I heard a small chuckle and I could actually see a small smirk on his face, one that I didn't think I would ever see. It faded away slowly. Without realizing it I started staring at him and he just gave me this blank  look before he looked away*

Tyran: just gonna leave me out huh? I see you two.

Me: shut up. Our food is coming.

*The waitress comes and takes our orders and then we soon get our food*


Jotaro: Still eating like a pig🤦‍♂️

Tyran: Aru~ you look so beautiful when you eat~

Me: Dont look at me.😑

Tyran: aww...

*The waitress comes back to fill our drinks*

Me: thank you.

Waitress: welcome....hey have you heard the news?

Me: what news?

*me, Jotaro, and Tyran exchange concerned looks*

Waitress: well...people have been going missing guys should be careful. Especially you ma'am.

Me: Thank you for warning us.

Waitress: mhm. And the bill is 45.89

Jotaro: I got it.

*Jotaro pays the bill and we leave to find a place to stay*

Me: I thought we were going to get a bus and leave here?

Jotaro: we are going to find out what's going on around here.

Tyran: I'll protect you aru~

Me: thanks but no thanks🤦‍♀️

Author~ heyyy loves~ hopes you liked this part! What do you guys think is wrong with the town? Find out in the next part!


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